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12 Diameter TMT bars

Fe 500 Grade TMT bars

TMT Fe500 8 12000mm AMBASHAKTI
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Product Specifications Value/Type
Corrosion Resistance High
Ductility High
Fire Resistance High
Nominal Diameter 8mm
Grade Fe500
Bendability Excellent
Ultimate Tensile Strength 545 MPa
Rib Pattern External
Type TMT
Surface Resistance High
Yield Strength 500 MPa
Weldability Excellent
Elongation 12%
Uniformity High
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Applications of TMT Fe500 8 12000mm AMBASHAKTI
Industry/Application Reason for Use
Corrosion Resistance Used in coastal and marine environments due to its high corrosion resistance
Ductility Used in seismic zones due to its high ductility
Fire Resistance Used in fire-prone areas due to its high fire resistance
Formability Used in complex architectural designs due to its excellent bendability
Weldability Used in structures requiring welding due to its excellent weldability
Flexibility Used in structures requiring flexibility due to its high elongation
Strength Used in construction of high-rise buildings, bridges, dams due to its high yield strength
Seismic Activity Used in earthquake-prone areas due to its high ductility
Resilience Used in earthquake-prone areas due to its high ductility
Versatility Used in various industries due to its versatility
Why Choose TMT Fe500 8 12000mm AMBASHAKTI?
Industry/Application Reason for Use
Safety High ductility and fire resistance ensure safety
Flexibility High elongation and bendability ensure flexibility
Trust AMBASHAKTI is a trusted brand in the construction industry
Strength High yield strength ensures structural integrity
Physical Properties Excellent physical properties ensure durability and longevity
Properties of Fe500 Grade TMT vs AMBASHAKTI Performance
Property Fe500 Grade Standard AMBASHAKTI Performance
Corrosion Resistance High Matches Fe500 grade
Ductility High Matches Fe500 grade
Fire Resistance High Matches Fe500 grade
Yield Strength 500 MPa Matches Fe500 grade
Elongation 12% Matches Fe500 grade
Ultimate Tensile Strength 545 MPa Matches Fe500 grade
Bendability Excellent Matches Fe500 grade
Value Propositions of AMBASHAKTI as a Brand
Reliable Strength
Trusted for durability and robustness in projects.
Tailored Solutions
Customizable lengths and specifications available.
Quality Assurance
Committed to superior-grade TMT bars.
Safety Standards
Exceptional fire and corrosion resistance.
Versatile Utility
Suitable for diverse construction applications.