Copyright Infringement Claim FormKindly use this form to report copyright infringement only.

Please note that, the copyright ownership of the Software hosted on the Tata nexarc are with Tata Business Hub Ltd. Submitting a claim for copyright infringement is a serious matter, which may also involve legal process.


By filling up this form, you agree that your contact information and contents of this form will be shared with the concerned person, who will be the authorized representative of Tata Business Hub Ltd.

Contact InformationPlease provide your contact information

* Marked as Mandatory

Please enter your full name separated by space.
Ex. CEO, Marketing Manager, Project Manager, etc.
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Copyright Information Claimed to be Infringed

Mention 'Self', in case the claimant is the owner
Mention 'Self', in case the claimant is the owner
Is the owner based in India *
Please mention country of copyright owner
Incase of an entity, please enter the registration/incorporation number under the applicable law. Incase of an individual, please enter NA.
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  • All the information I filled in this form is accurate.
  • You have good faith belief that the use of below specified software by Tata Business Hub Ltd, has not been authorized by the rights owners, its agent or the law.
  • You the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive intellectual property that has been allegedly infringed.