Your privacy is important to us. We believe it is important for you to know how we treat the information we receive from you. This privacy statement explains what personal data we, Tata Business Hub Limited (TBH), collect from you, through our interactions with you on the Platform (defined below), and how we use that Data.

Please note that this Platform may include links to websites of third parties whose privacy practices differ from those of TBH. If you provide personal data to any of those websites, their privacy statements govern your data.

The Platform is not directed towards minors. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his/ her child has provided his/ her information without their consent, then the parent or guardian of such child may contact us for the deletion of such information. In the event, where in contravention to the privacy notice, a person below the age of 18 years uses our Platform, we shall not be held liable or responsible for any damage or injury suffered by such person.

By accessing, using, browsing, or registering on the Platform, you agree to be bound by this privacy notice and give your consent to the collection, storage, possession, dealing, handling, sharing, disclosure or transfer of your information (as provided to TBH) in accordance with the terms of this privacy notice. You may at any time withdraw your consent for collection and use of your information by contacting us at Contact Us (refer below). However, please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may no longer be able to provide you with the corresponding service for which you have withdrawn your consent. It is hereby clarified that your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of information based on your previous consent prior to the withdrawal.

This privacy notice constitutes an electronic record within the meaning of the applicable law. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures. If you do not agree with any provisions of the privacy notice, we advise you to not use or access the Platform.

privacy image

Your privacy is important to us. We believe it is important for you to know how we treat the information we receive from you. This privacy statement explains what personal data we, Tata Business Hub Limited (TBH), collect from you, through our interactions with you on the Platform (defined below), and how we use that Data.

Please note that this Platform may include links to websites of third parties whose privacy practices differ from those of TBH. If you provide personal data to any of those websites, their privacy statements govern your data.

The Platform is not directed towards minors. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his/ her child has provided his/ her information without their consent, then the parent or guardian of such child may contact us for the deletion of such information. In the event, where in contravention to the privacy notice, a person below the age of 18 years uses our Platform, we shall not be held liable or responsible for any damage or injury suffered by such person.

By accessing, using, browsing, or registering on the Platform, you agree to be bound by this privacy notice and give your consent to the collection, storage, possession, dealing, handling, sharing, disclosure or transfer of your information (as provided to TBH) in accordance with the terms of this privacy notice. You may at any time withdraw your consent for collection and use of your information by contacting us at Contact Us (refer below). However, please note that if you withdraw your consent, we may no longer be able to provide you with the corresponding service for which you have withdrawn your consent. It is hereby clarified that your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of information based on your previous consent prior to the withdrawal.

This privacy notice constitutes an electronic record within the meaning of the applicable law. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures. If you do not agree with any provisions of the privacy notice, we advise you to not use or access the Platform.

Applicable Law

This Privacy Policy is published pursuant to:

  • Section 43A of the Information Technology Act, 2000;

  • Regulation 4 of the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Information) Rules, 2011 ("SPI Rules"); and

  • Regulation 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011.

This Privacy Policy sets out the type of information collected from the Users, including the nature of the sensitive personal data or information, the purpose, means and modes of usage of such information and how and to whom TBH shall disclose such information.

1. Who we are:

TBH is an online platform that provides emerging businesses with cutting-edge digital products, solutions, and services - all in one place. On TBH, businesses can interact and connect with other verified businesses, identify new growth opportunities, seek advice from various industry experts and get access to valuable industry insights through curated news and information. Businesses also get access to software applications designed to cater to their operational and infrastructural needs.

Our host of economic and relevant business solutions help emerging businesses to chart new heights of growth through digital integration.

2. Our Privacy Notice explains:

(a)      What information we collect and why we collect it.

(b)      How we use the collected information.

(c)      The choices we offer, including how to access and update information.

Whether you are new to the TBH platform or a long-time user, please do take the time to get to know our practices. In case of any questions please contact us. While we have tried to keep this document simple, there may be terms you are unfamiliar with. Please read about them before accessing our Platform.

3. Definitions:

In this privacy notice, the following definitions are used:
  • Data/ Information includes information that you submit to TBH via the Platform and/or information which is accessed and procured by TBH pursuant to your visit to the Platform.

  • Cookies - a small file placed on your computer by this Platform when you either visit or use certain features of the Platform. A cookie generally allows the website to "remember" your actions or preference for a certain period of time.

  • Data Protection Laws - any applicable law relating to the processing of personal data, including the GDPR and the Information Technology Act, 2000, as amended or substituted.

  • GDPR - the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679;

  • TBH or We or us - Tata Business Hub

  • User or you - the natural person (including registered or unregistered users) who accesses the Platform.

  • Platform - the website that you are currently using,, and any sub-domains of this site, unless excluded by their own terms.

4. Information we collect

We collect information in the following ways to provide better services to all of our Users.

a) Data you give us:

  • Personal Information: Our services require you to sign up. When you do, we'll ask for personal information, like your full name, email address, contact number, address (includes state, city, pin code). Also, we collect professional information including name of the employer and certificates in case of advisory services.

  • KYC and Financial Information: We collect KYC data and documents including PAN, GST certificates, incorporation documents and trade licenses which are required to unlock various features or actions on the Platform. We also allow you to proactively submit KYC or financial information including financial statements and ITR returns which we may use to provide you a rating, score or badge. While we would allow you to proactively submit many of these documents in the Beta release, the corresponding rating, score or badge may not be available until further releases of TBH. To assist you with tracking the documents submitted, knowing the status of verifications and other ancillary activities, we shall be sharing the submitted documents with employees appointed as:

  • Nexarc Business Hub Operations team

  • Nexarc Business Hub Service Desk team

b) Data we collect by automated means:

When you visit our Sites, we may collect certain information by automated means, using technologies such as Cookies, web server logs, web beacons and JavaScript. Our Sites are not designed to respond to "do not track" signals received from browsers.

  • Information we get from your use of our services: We collect Information about the services that you use and how you use them, like the applications purchased, business opportunities, Insights, Advisory. Also, when you register your business on the Platform, we create a TBH support ID for your business. With this support ID, we have access to your business profile. We help you in enhancing your business profile and in resolving any problem which you may encounter while using TBH.

  • Device information: We collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone number). The Platform may associate your device identifiers or phone number with your TBH account.

  • Log information: When you use our services or view content provided by TBH, we automatically collect and store certain information in server logs. This includes details of how you used our services, such as your search queries, Internet protocol address, device event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type and browser language, the date and time of your request and referral URL.

  • Location information: When you use our services, we may collect and process information about your actual location.

  • Local storage: We may collect and store information (including personal information) locally on your device using mechanisms such as browser web storage (including HTML 5) and application data caches.

  • Cookies and similar technologies: Our Sites may use cookies such as HTTP Cookies. Your browser may tell you how to be notified when you receive certain types of Cookies and how to restrict or disable certain Cookies. Please note, however, that without cookies you may not be able to use all the features of our Sites. Please refer to our  cookie notice for more details.

  • Others:Information we collect when you are signed into our Platform, in addition to information we obtain about you from partners, may be associated with your TBH Account. For more information about how you can access, manage or delete information that is associated with your TBH Account, visit the Transparency and choice section of this notice. We may also use your unique identifier (like employee number) only in case some integration is required with your parent organization\u0027s legacy systems.

5. How we use the information we collect:

  • We use the Information we collect from you to provide, maintain, protect and improve our services, to develop new ones, and to protect TBH and our Users.

  • We also use this Information to offer you tailored content - like giving you more relevant search results, recommended PPSS (Products/Platforms/Services/Solutions) and interesting articles.

  • To share public aspects of your profile such as name and photo with other users within the social aspects of our Platform.

  • When you contact us, we keep a record of your communication to help solve any issues you might be facing. We may use your email address to inform you about our services, such as letting you know about upcoming changes or improvements.

  • We use Information collected from Cookies and other technologies, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services. For example, by saving your language preferences, we'll be able to have our services appear in the language you prefer.

  • Our automated systems analyse your content (including emails that you send to us) to provide you personally relevant product features, such as customized search results, tailored advertising, and spam and malware detection.

  • Public aspects of your profile such as the list of KYC and financial data and documents you have verified will be visible to other Users on the Platform. Only the list of data or documents verified would be visible, not the actual data or documents themselves.

6. Transparency and choice:

People have different privacy concerns. Our goal is to be clear about what information we collect so that you can make meaningful choices about how it is used. For example, you can: review and update your profile. Review and control certain types of information tied to your account.

You may also set your browser to block all Cookies, including cookies associated with our services. However, it's important to remember that many of our services may not function properly if your Cookies are disabled. For example, we may not remember your language preferences.

7. Consent:

By using the Website/Mobile Application and/ or by providing your information, you consent to the collection and use of the information you disclose on the Website/Mobile application in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

When we process Data about you, we do so with your consent/permission and/or as necessary to operate our business, meet our contractual and legal obligations, protect the security of our systems and our customers, or fulfil other legitimate interests of TBH as described in this Privacy Notice.

8. Consent for mobile applications:

  • While using the Mobile Applications, you may be required to give an explicit Permission/Consent for us to access your photo gallery/camera in order for you to upload your profile picture.
  • While using the Mobile application, your Permission/consent would be required for receiving Push Notifications, wherein only after obtaining your consent will we save your device tokens into our servers.
  • While using the mobile application, your Permission/consent may also be required to access your calendar on your device in order to save a date or an event automatically to your Google calendar or iCal.
  • While using the mobile application, you are automatically consenting to an automatic OTP read on your device, which does not require an explicit consent.

Also, when the permission/consent is declined by you, you will be directed by a specific OS popup to settings, to give your consent to access the above features.

There may be additions/changes made from time to time under the same clause, for explicit permission/consent, for the same kindly, refer to clause No. 16 , Changes to this privacy statement of this privacy policy.

9. Information you share:

Our services let you share information with others.

10. Accessing and updating your personal information:

Whenever you use our services, we aim to provide you with access to your personal information. If that information is wrong, we strive to give you ways to update it quickly or to delete it while we keep that Information for legitimate purposes. While updating your personal information, we may ask you to verify your identity before we can act on your request. We may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort (for example, developing a new system or fundamentally changing an existing practice), or risk the privacy of others.

We provide access to your Information and correction of erroneous data to support your rights, as embodied in legislation. We aim to maintain our services in a manner that protects Information from accidental or malicious destruction.

11. Information we share:

By agreeing to this privacy notice, you consent to the disclosure and transfer of your Information. Your Information may be disclosed:

  • To our affiliates for the purposes described in this privacy notice;

  • To a third-party payment gateway provider who collects certain financial information from you, including but not restricted to, your credit/ debit card number or your bank account details. All financial information collected from you by such third-party payment gateway providers will be used only for billing and payment processes.

  • To other third-party service providers who provide services such as data analysis, customer service, auditing and other services;

  • To your domain administrators- If your TBH account is managed for you by a domain administrator, then your domain administrator who provides user support to your organization will have access to your TBH account information (including your email and other data). Your domain administrator may be able to view statistics regarding your account, reset your account password, suspend or terminate your account access, access or retain information stored as part of your account, receive your account information in order to satisfy applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforce governmental request and restrict your ability to delete or edit information or privacy settings, subject to compliance with applicable law.;

  • To third parties, to permit them to send you marketing communications, consistent with your choices. We may use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements regarding goods and services that may be of interest to you when you access and use the Platform and other online services, based on information relating to your access to and use of the Platform and other websites or online services on any of your devices, as well as on information received from third parties.;

  • To comply with applicable laws, which may include laws outside your country of residence, to respond to requests from public and government authorities, which may include authorities outside your country of residence and to cooperate with law enforcement agencies, or for other legal reasons. If TBH is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, we shall continue to ensure the confidentiality of any personal information and give affected users notice before personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy notice.;

  • To enforce our terms and conditions; and

  • To protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you or others or to fight fraud and credit risk.

We may also use and disclose your Information collected through the Platform in other ways, with your consent. We would strive to ensure that any third-party service provider, to whom we are transferring your Information, are bound by reasonable confidentiality obligations and/ or use, maintain and follow generally accepted industry and security standards with respect to such Information.

Your Information may also be transferred, stored or processed in any country other than the one where you access the Platform. By using the Platform, you consent to such transfer of your Information outside of your country and also within our affiliates, subsidiaries and partners, based in or outside India, provided that they have agreed to ensure same level of data protection as prescribed under this privacy policy and the data protection laws of India.

12. Marketing Communications

By accessing the Platform and providing us with your Information, you explicitly consent to receive promotional and advertising communications (through call, SMS, Whatsapp, email or other digital and electronic means) from us and/or our authorised representatives regarding our upcoming products or services or any new offerings, even if your mobile number is registered under the DND/NCPR list under the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2018. You acknowledge that communications we send to you may pertain to the products and/ or services already purchased or enquired by you, and/ or may also be promotional in nature.

You may opt out of receiving promotional and advertising communications from us at any time by following the instructions in those communications or emailing us at or contacting us at 9022112299. If you opt-out of receiving any promotional or advertising communications, we may still send you non-marketing communications about the product you have purchased or the services you have requested or received from us.

13. Information security:

We work hard to protect TBH and our Users from unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of Information we hold.

In particular:

We encrypt all our services using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and process and store Data in terms of Data Protection Laws. We review our Information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to guard against unauthorized access to systems. We restrict access to personal information to TBH employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to process it for us, and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.

Although we make best possible efforts to transmit and store all the Information provided by you in a secure operating environment that is not open to public, you understand and acknowledge that there is no such thing as complete security and we do not guarantee that there will be no unintended disclosures of any Information and potential security breaches. You agree not to hold us responsible for any breach of security or for any action of any third parties that receive your Information or events that are beyond our reasonable control including, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, etc. However, if you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us at the "Contact Us" section below

14. Where we Store and Process Personal Data:

Personal data collected by TBH Platform may be stored and processed in your region or anywhere in India. The storage location(s) are chosen in order to operate efficiently, to improve performance, and to create redundancies in order to protect the data in the event of an outage or other problems. We take steps to ensure that the Data we collect under this privacy statement is processed according to the provisions of this statement and the requirements of applicable law wherever the Data is located.

15. When this Privacy Notice applies:

Our privacy notice applies to all the services offered by TBH and its affiliates but excludes services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this privacy notice.

Our privacy notice does not apply to services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to you in search results or other sites linked to our services. Our privacy notice does not cover the information practices of other companies and organizations who advertise our services, and who may use Cookies, pixel tags, and other technologies to serve and offer relevant ads.

16. Compliance and cooperation with regulatory authorities:

We regularly review our compliance with our privacy notice. When we receive formal written complaints, we shall contact the person who made the complaint to follow up. We work with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data that we cannot resolve with our Users directly.

17. Changes to This Privacy Statement:

Our privacy notice may change from time to time. We will post any privacy notice changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we shall provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification of privacy notice changes). We shall also keep prior versions of this privacy notice in an archive for your review.

18. Retention Policy:

Our data retention policy is governed in compliance with local laws:

  • User Basic details (50 Years): User basic details including name, email id will be retained for the 'life of user' (which is taken to be 50 years from the date of registration of the user in TBH platform).

  • Business Organization details (120 Years): Business name, business address and the KYC details including GSTIN/PAN number will be retained for the 'life of business' (which is taken to be 120 years from the date of registration of organization in TBH platform.)

  • Other KYC and Financial details: KYC details other than GSTIN/PAN number and financial details collected would be stored for a minimum period of 10 years. The maximum period of retention of operational records would depend on the governing rules of the laws of the land.

  • Fee Transactions (6 Years): The records and data relating to payment transactions will be retained for a minimum period of 6 years. The maximum period of retention of these records would depend on the governing rules of the laws of the land.

  • Operation Records (3 Years): Data relating to app owner, business and business user, advisor for support services or day to day administration e.g.: partnership of a business with app owner, app subscription-related information of app owner are kept on a central electronic system. This data will be retained for a minimum period of 3 years. The maximum period of retention of operational records would depend on the governing rules of the laws of the land.

19. Rights of Data Subject under GDPR

We may collect Data under inter-group company arrangements as a data processor where GDPR may become applicable to us. Whenever GDPR is applicable to us, we are only permitted to process your personal data on the basis of certain legal requirements which are outlined in the applicable legislation including GDPR. We have put in place the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your Data is secure. In terms of GDPR, you have, inter alia, the following rights available to you:

  • right to access your Information available in our database;

  • right to ask for rectification or updation of your Information available in our database;

  • right to ask for deletion of your Information;

  • right to ask for restriction or objecting the processing of your Information; and

  • right to receive the Information provided by you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transmit that Information to any third party.

If you want to exercise any of the above rights, please contact at Contact Us (refer below).

Need to Know:

  • TBH DOES NOT solicit confidential details like your OTP/CVV/PIN/Card Number/ Bank account details through any means. TBH never call users/customers with offers, discounts on products and offering free gifts.

  • Scamsters/fraudsters attempt various techniques such as 'phishing', to contact, influence and defraud consumers. TBH regularly cautions its customers against sharing any personal or payment sensitive information with unknown persons as such sharing leads to unauthorized use and/or fraud and consequent financial loss.

  • TBH shall not be liable for any loss, damage, expense incurred by a customer where the customer has shared personal and/or payment sensitive information with scamsters/fraudsters.

  • We also request and encourage our customers to report such attempts or incidents to our Grievance officer (or Customer care) to enable us to investigate and explore legal recourse. TBH reserves the right to divert the e-mails to in event customers have directly written to without exhausting the Grievance Redressal communication Procedure mentioned above

  • TBH relies on payment partners and banks. In certain cases involving payment/refund issues, we might see a delay as that is beyond our control once we pass the investigation to them however, we try our best not to exceed timelines stated in this policy

20. How to contact us:

If you have a privacy concern, complaint or a question regarding this privacy statement, please direct it to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at or to our Grievance Officer for the purposes of Indian data protection law

Email ID:

or contact us at

For the purposes of the data processed under this statement, the controller or business/service provider for the data processing of your personal data collected through our websites is TATA BUSINESS HUB LIMITED, Army and Navy Building, 148, M.G.Road, Opposite Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Mumbai City - 400 001, India. For all the other purposes indicated above, the controller or business/service provider is the same entity unless indicated otherwise in other privacy statements communicated in each situation.

Google Translate Disclaimer

We'll translate information to help you browse, shop, and communicate. Translation of pages on ("Platform") is performed by Google Translate, a third party service which Tata Nexarc has no control over. The service provides automated computer translations that are only an approximation of the websites' original content.

You acknowledge and agree that the Hindi translation features are made available on the Platform on a reasonable effort basis for convenience only and without any representation or warranties by Tata Nexarc, express or implied, including the translations being error free, their accuracy, completeness or reliability. Tata Nexarc expressly disclaims any liability of any nature whatsoever arising from or related to the said translation/transliteration features on the Platform. Some features and sections on the Platform may not be translated in the language selected by You, and the English version of the same will be the definitive version. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the translated version of the terms and the English version available on the Platform, the English version on the Platform shall prevail. This feature may not be accessible on certain devices. Tata Nexarc reserves the right to change, enhance, suspend, or discontinue this feature, or any part of it, at any time without notice to You.

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These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern the use and access of Buy Business, as available on Tata nexarc,, as well as any other mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto (collectively, the “Platform”) or any current or future feature or functionality or offer made available on the Platform, as updated from time to time (“Services”) and constitute an agreement between Tata Business Hub Limited (“TBH”, “we”, “us” or “our” ) and any natural or legal person who accesses and/or uses the Services in any manner ( “Customer”, “you” or “your”)

These terms constitute an electronic record within the meaning of the applicable law. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

By using the Platform and/or availing the Services, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms. Please read these Terms together with the privacy notice and terms and conditions of the Platform and other applicable rules, policies, and terms posted on the Platform, or provided with the Services ( “Platform Terms” and collectively with these Terms, “Agreement” ), since those terms also govern your use of the Services. Accordingly, the terms applicable on the Platform shall also be deemed to be applicable to the Services. If these Terms are inconsistent with the Platform Terms, these Terms will control to the extent of such inconsistency with respect to the Services.

  2. 1.1. These Terms & Conditions ( “Terms” ) shall form part of the Proforma Invoice, Tax Invoice and e-invoice issued from GST portal ( “Invoice” ) issued to the Customer by TBH.

    1.2. TBH shall ensure either by itself or through its network of suppliers, agents or any other third parties ( “Supplier” ) – a) Transit insurance till Delivery; b) Quality and Quantity adherence.

    1.3. For the purposes of these Terms: “Delivery” shall mean tender of shipment or conveyance of the Product to the Customer at the location designated by the Customer. “Products” shall mean the goods and services specified in the Products and Specifications section of the Invoice and as maybe displayed on the platform.

    1.4. The Customer agrees and acknowledges – a) the Products supplied by Supplier to Customer via the TBH is on “SAID TO CONTAIN BASIS” and all sales are undertaken on bill-to-ship model. b) TBH shall be under no obligation and is not expected to verify the contents or condition of the Products being shipped by the Supplier pursuant to an order placed by the Customer. c)TBH shall not be liable for any inaccuracy or deficiency in the Products or for any deficiency in the declaration. d) TBH shall not be responsible for any consequential loss, freight refund etc. in case any Products are held up by any statutory authority e) TBH shall have a right to general lien over all the Products for all sums due and payable to TBH hereunder, whether for prior or ongoing shipment(s). f) In the event any shipment contains fraudulent or prohibited items as specified under any applicable laws, TBH would inter-alia have the right to retain custody of such shipment (including opening and inspecting of shipment of such Products).

    1.5. These Terms shall be applicable for each, and every order placed by the Customer with TBH. The Customer hereby agrees and acknowledges that the act of placing an order constitutes the Customer's deemed acceptance of these Terms, without the need of mentioning them separately in each Invoice by TBH, and it shall be construed as if such Terms were mentioned in the Invoice by TBH.

  4. 2.1. In case there is any change in the order, additional applicable charges shall be payable by the Customer. The sums due and payable to TBH may be adjusted by TBH at its sole discretion against any sums owed to the Customer (if any).

    2.2. Customer agrees that the details provided by it to TBH under its PO shall be used for issuance of the Invoices as the billing and shipping address. In the event the address provided by the Customer under its PO is not updated with the GST authority and due to which the GST input is not claimed, or any risk arises out of such mismatch, then Customer shall be solely liable for the same and TBH shall not bear any risk or charges for the same.

    2.3. Customer acknowledges that there may be upto 5% deviation for Steel products (where deviation may refer to excess or deficit supply) from agreed quantity requirement between the Parties. Such deviations shall be deemed to be the accepted level of deviation for which TBH may at its sole discretion may either issue refund for any excess payments made by Customer or charge Customer for any additional quantity supplied, as the case may be. Further, the Customer agrees and accepts that such deviation and/or variation shall not be construed as a breach of the Terms.

    2.4. TBH may at its sole discretion and based upon its credit assessment offer credit term to certain Customers subject to furnishing a security which may include cheques, bank guarantee, letter of credit, corporate guarantee ( “Security Cover” ). The Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Security Cover has been successfully handed to TBH’s custody. In case the Customer provides a cheque to TBH, it shall be payable basis the credit terms mentioned in the Invoice and TBH shall have the rights to present the said cheque for encashment, failing which TBH shall be entitled to take appropriate actions including but not limited to seizure of the Products, termination, blacklisting the Customer, etc. Further, in the event of any delays in payments beyond the due date then the Customer shall be liable to pay delayed interest as a penalty from the date of default till the date of actual payment, provided, that such delayed interest shall be proportionate to the period of delay in payment and shall be charged as per the below mentioned slabs:

    Delay in Payment Charges for Delayed Interest to be charged monthly
    Between 0-15 days 1.5% interest rate
    More than 15 days 3% interest rate
    It being clarified that in case the Customer has made a delay of more than fifteen (15) days in making the payment, the delayed interest charges of 3% shall be levied from the date of default till the date of actual payment.

    2.5. Notwithstanding anything contained under these Terms, the delayed interest charges shall be without prejudice to the other rights of TBH which includes recourse to remedies under the applicable laws against the Customer. Customer agrees that any payments made to TBH will be mapped against the over-due Invoices in a first in first out ( “FIFO” ) manner – i.e., any payment made will be tagged to Invoices with the earliest due dates and so on.

  6. 3.1. In the event the Customer does not pay the RTO cost as applicable or refuses to accept the Products within fifteen (15) days of request made by TBH, TBH reserves the right to auction the Products and recover costs or to dispose-off the Products in such manner as it may deem fit. This is without prejudice to the right of TBH to exercise any other legal remedy available under these Terms or applicable laws.

    3.2. There shall be no additional transport costs payable by the Customer. The applicable shipping rate will be charged as per the current prevailing rates displayed during order placement.

    3.3. Taxes shall be levied as per the applicable laws at the time of Invoice, including but not limited to GST.

  8. The Products shall be dispatched within one (1) week from the date of receipt of full payment, if purchased on advance or from the date of receipt of Security Cover, if purchased on credit terms.

  10. 5.1. Orders must be accepted by the Customer in the form of Lorry Receipt or by signing the Invoice.

    5.2. Upon issuance of a Purchase Order ( “PO” ) by the Customer, there shall be no provision for refund or cancellation. Further, the Customer shall be solely liable for any errors in the specifications and requirements for goods and services ordered under a relevant PO.

    5.3. In case of order cancellation by TBH after confirmation, TBH may recommend any other supplier to fulfil the requirement of the Customer. Cancellation may be permitted only in the event there is quality/ quantity mismatch, or a mismatch from the technical and process specifications as agreed at the time of placing the order request and Customer has raised this grievance within stipulated timelines.

    5.4. In the event the Customer: (a) refuses to accept the Delivery of the Product due to any reason; (b) is not available at the designated location on working days and within office hours, the Products may be returned at the expense of the Customer along with additional charges for the same.

    5.5. Customer shall ensure – a) quality and quantity adherence before signing the lorry receipt, Proof of Delivery ( “POD” ), etc. No claims shall be raised by the Customer once the POD has been signed without any remarks for defect/damage/deficit supply etc., b) it does not place an order for any illegal or prohibited items and shall immediately inform TBH in the event any Products proposed to be supplied by TBH are unlawful, infringing, hazardous, dangerous, prohibited, misleading or restricted. c) it verifies the Invoices and inform TBH within 5 (five) working days in case of any disputes regarding the contents of the Invoice. d) it does not circumvent TBH to directly approach the Supplier or accept a service from the Supplier independent of TBH, to circumvent any fees in any manner or for any other reason.

    5.6. The Products shall be delivered to a designated location as requested by the Customer at the time of placing the order. In case of change in destination, the fees, charges or freight for transport of the Products shall change and any additional costs in this regard shall have to be borne by the Customer and shall be adjusted by raising a credit note/debit note for such difference in amounts.

  12. For any claims by the Customer in relation to the Products, the required documentation is to be submitted along with the claim request, Invoice and POD with appropriate remarks in case of pilferage and in-transit damage. In the absence of the docket, the claim and request of the Customer shall be deemed to be invalid.

  14. 7.1. TBH makes no warranty regarding the quality, reliability, suitability, completeness, availability, usability, fitness of the Products provided by TBH or Products supplied by Supplier or of the results arising from the use of such Products.TBH shall not be liable for any claims raised by the Customer, in the event – i) the outer packaging done by Supplier is intact and not tampered with at the time of delivery; ii) no complaint has been lodged in writing at the point of delivery or no report of loss has been made through relevant remarks on the POD; iii) the claim is raised post-delivery without clearly recording the grievance on POD

    7.2. TBH shall not be liable for any claims raised by the Customer, in the event –
        i) the outer packaging done by Supplier is intact and not tampered with at the time of delivery;
        ii) no complaint has been lodged in writing at the point of delivery or no report of loss has been made through relevant remarks on the POD;
        iii) the claim is raised post-delivery without clearly recording the grievance on POD

    7.3. TBH shall not be responsible or liable in any manner to the Customer for any loss, damages, injuries or expenses incurred by the Customer as a result of any action taken by TBH with prior consent of the Customer.

    7.4. TBH shall not be liable for any delays, defaults or damages caused by any unforeseeable event not within reasonable control of TBH.

    7.5. TBH does not endorse any specific Supplier nor is it providing service on behalf of the Supplier which is tantamount to seller or trader or retailer and or stockiest/distributor. The complete activity performed by TBH under these Terms is based on specific instructions given by the Customer as part of the scope defined and from time to time.

    7.6. In no event shall the aggregate liability of TBH exceed the sums payable to TBH within thirty (30) days preceding the date of claim.

  16. 8.1. In the event of any conflict between any clauses, provisions or condition of these Terms and any term, covenant or condition of any other contract, purchase order, the provisions of these Terms shall control and prevail.

    8.2. The Parties shall maintain confidentiality of these Terms and any Confidential Information exchanged between the Parties. Any data shared by either party regarding its vendors, suppliers, business, pricing, strategies, products, services, clients, innovations, techniques, finances, marketing, etc., shall be deemed to be “Confidential Information” .

    8.3. The Parties shall abide by the applicable laws of India.

    8.4. Neither Party shall be entitled to use the name, logo, trademarks or intellectual property rights of the other Party unless agreed in writing.

    8.5. These Terms may be amended or renewed by TBH as per its sole discretion.

    8.6. Notice to TBH shall be sent at the following address – (Attn: Legal Counsel, Tata Business Hub Limited)

    8.7. The Parties shall adhere to the Tata Code of Conduct ( and report any breach of the Code to

    8.8. These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Bengaluru, Karnataka.

    8.9. These Terms may be terminated immediately in case of breach of applicable laws.


These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern the use and access of logistics services as available on Tata nexarc,, as well as any other mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto (collectively, the “Platform”) or any current or future feature or functionality or offer made available on the Platform, as updated from time to time (“Services”) and constitute an agreement between Tata Business Hub Limited (“TBH”, “we”, “us” or “our”) and any natural or legal person who accesses and/or uses the Services in any manner ( “Consignor”, “you” or “your”).

These terms constitute an electronic record within the meaning of the applicable law. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

By using the Platform and/or availing the Services, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms. Please read these Terms together with the privacy notice and terms and conditions of the Platform and other applicable rules, policies, and terms posted on the Platform, or provided with the Services (“Platform Terms” and collectively with these Terms, “Agreement”), since those terms also govern your use of the Services. Accordingly, the terms applicable on the Platform shall also be deemed to be applicable to the Services. If these Terms are inconsistent with the Platform Terms, these Terms will control to the extent of such inconsistency with respect to the Services.


  1. 1.1. The Platform allows you to, inter alia, discover, view, access and/or avail various categories of Services which are provided by Logistics Partners who have registered with the Platform.
  2. 1.2. You agree and understand that TBH facilitates the actual Delivery and/or shipment of the product shipped by Consignor to Consignee, by providing a platform for the Consignors to avail Services.
  3. 1.3. TBH reserves its right to either change the format and/or the content of the Platform and/or suspend the operation of the Services or Platform for support or maintenance work, in order to update the Platform or for any other reason, at any time.


  1. 2.1. Only persons who can enter into legally binding contracts as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872, i.e., persons who are 18 years of age or older, are of sound mind, and are not disqualified from entering into contracts by any law, can use, avail and/or access the Platform and Services. In case you are below 18 years of age, you may access and use the Platform and Services only if enabled by a parent or legal guardian. Further, if you are availing Services on behalf of a company or organisation, you represent that you have the authority to act on behalf of that entity, and that such entity accepts this Agreement.


  1. 3.1. You agree and acknowledge that only registered users of the Platform would be entitled to discover, view, and/or access and/or avail the Services on the Platform.


  1. 4.1. Contents of the Consignment
    1. 4.1.1. The Consignment entrusted by Consignor to TBH is booked strictly on “said to contain basis”. TBH shall be under no obligation and is not expected to verify the contents and description of the Consignment declared by the Consignor on the Platform. The Consignor shall be responsible for all consequences arising due to incorrect and incomplete declaration on the Platform, as well as for ensuring handover of Consignment documents to the Logistics Partner such as GST complaint invoice, e-way bill, declaration of goods, delivery challan, etc.
    2. 4.1.2. The Consignor hereby declares that the Consignments shall not include any of the banned commodities-
      1. restricted, illegal, prohibited, stolen, infringing of any third-party rights, hazardous or dangerous or in breach of any tax laws.
      2. Any Consignment whose carriage is prohibited by any law, statute, or regulations applicable at the place of origin or destination, or any location through which the Consignment may transit.
      3. Any Consignment which would be likely to cause damage, or delay to equipment, personnel, or other shipment(s).
      4. Any Consignment which may require TBH to obtain a license for its transportation.
      5. Any item listed under Part I of Annexure A of these Platform Terms.
    3. 4.1.3. The Consignor is solely liable for any misrepresentation pertaining to the declaration under this clause.
  2. 4.2. Documentation
    1. 4.2.1. Consignor shall provide complete documents along with accurate details of the Consignee's name, address, contact numbers, email address, forms, permits, valid e-way bills, GST compliant invoices, STN (Stock Transfer Note), MSDS certificate (if applicable), declaration of goods without No Commercial Value (NCV) (if applicable), or any other documents as maybe required as per the statutory requirements.
    2. 4.2.2. In case of any deficiency or inaccuracy in the documents or information or statutory requirements submitted by the Consignor, TBH shall not be made liable for the same.
  3. 4.3. Statutory Payments and Compliances
    1. 4.3.1. The Consignor is solely responsible for all payments if any levied by the government or any statutory body etc. such as entry tax, GST (Goods & Services Tax) or any other tax levied from time to time.
    2. 4.3.2. TBH shall not be responsible for any consequential loss, freight refund etc. in case of any Consignment is held up by any statutory authority such as tax authorities levying GST and / or excise, customs check post officials, entry tax/octroi/service tax officials etc.
    3. 4.3.3. The Consignor shall be solely responsible to comply with all statutory requirements (State and Central Laws/Statutes) applicable in relation to the booking and sale of the Consignments carried and delivered in pursuance of this Agreement.
  4. 4.4. Delivery
    1. 4.4.1. The Consignor agrees that in case of door to door delivery-pick up the Consignment(s) shall be picked up by Logistics Partner as per the address mentioned in the Platform while placing order and delivery will be made as per the delivery address as mentioned in the invoice of the goods and/or e-way bill shared with the Logistics Partner. In the event the Consignor opts for hub-drop delivery, the Consignor shall be responsible for delivering the materials to the Logistics Partners' designated location (“Hub Location”) as displayed and opted by the Consignor during order booking on Platform along with valid documents such as goods invoice, e-way bill, declaration, delivery challan and the Consignor or its Consignee shall ensure to collect the materials from the Logistics Partner's designated delivery location by furnishing valid documents as maybe intimated to the Consignor.
    2. 4.4.2. You understand that the fees, charges or freight payable by you for availing the Services are dependent on the designated pick-up location, Hub Location and the Consignee's location as provided by the Consignor on the Platform. In case the Consignor requests for change in either the source/pick-up address, Hub Location and/or the destination address then the fees, charges or freight for transport of the Consignment shall change and any additional costs in this regard shall have to be borne by the Consignor. and shall be adjusted by raising the credit note/debit note for such difference in amounts.
    3. 4.4.3. In the event the Consignee: (a) refuses to accept the Delivery of the Consignment due to any reason; (b) is not available at the designated location on working days and within office hours; (c) the consignee refuses to sign the proof of delivery to the Logistics Partner, TBH reserves the right to make the decision on behalf of the Consignor to RTO (Return to Origin) the shipment at the expense of the Consignor. RTO cost shall be computed as per the costs/price displayed on the Platform at the time of RTO along with additional charges for the same Logistics Partner selected by Consignor during the forward journey of the Consignment.
    4. 4.4.4. In the event the Consignor does not pay the RTO cost as applicable or refuses to accept the Consignment within 15 (fifteen) days of the request made by TBH, TBH reserves the right to auction the Consignment and recover costs or to dispose-off the Consignment in such manner as it may deem fit. This is without prejudice to the right of TBH to exercise any other legal remedy.
    5. 4.4.5. TBH may, at its discretion, provide web-based (online) tracking solutions for all or a limited number of Consignments through its Logistics Partners.


  1. 5.1. Consignor shall ensure that all shipments for carriage are prepared and packed adequately to ensure safe carriage with normal care in handling also with required documents. Any article susceptible to damage as a result of any condition which may be encountered during handling or transportation by air, railway or road must be adequately protected by You by proper packaging and TBH shall not be liable for any damage or shortages occurring as a result of improper packing.
  2. 5.2. Consignor shall properly paste and insert the GST complaint invoice along with necessary documents such as e-way bill, MSDS, declaration, delivery challan, in and on the package and also provide it to the Logistics Partner while handing over the Consignment.
  3. 5.3. Consignor shall ensure that the dimensions of the shipment entered in the docket note along with other information of Consignor's name, address, pin code and Consignee's name, address, pin code are same as provided on the Platform. The Consignor agrees and acknowledges that the information mentioned on the valid goods invoice and valid eway bill given the time of pickup of the shipment will be considered as final governing factor for shipment of the Consignment and shall supersede the information provided on the Platform. For example- if the Consignor has entered pickup location as Delhi and delivery location as Mumbai in the Platform and at the time of pickup the Consignor provided the invoice and e-way bill addressed to a consignee located in Chennai, the shipment will move from Delhi to Chennai and differential costs of the same shall be payable by the Consignor.
  4. 5.4. The Consignor shall be responsible to take a copy of the docket (or consignment note) from the Logistics Partner after handing over the Consignment.
  5. 5.5. The Consignor undertakes that in the event any Consignment contains fraudulent or prohibited items as specified in applicable laws or in this Agreement, TBH would inter alia have the right to retain the custody of such Consignment (including opening and inspecting of Consignment). This is without prejudice to the right of TBH to be indemnified for such breach in accordance with this Agreement. Consignor shall further be liable for consequences mentioned in Part II of Annexure-A of this Agreement.
  6. 5.6. The Consignor hereby agrees that, in all cases where the requirement of e-way bill is mandatory, the Consignor shall provide a valid e-way bill to Logistics Partner for both RTO cases as well as forward journey cases at the time of pick up. In case the Consignor fails to provide valid e-way bill, valid invoice, valid MSDS, valid delivery challan, valid declaration, etc, within the stipulated time, then the concerned Consignment may be marked as 'Disposed', and TBH shall not be held liable for any liability in relation thereto.


  1. 6.1. Consignor shall ensure that the packaging of the Consignment is safe, proper, and adequate to withstand normal transportation and environmental hazards and in compliance with the applicable laws. TBH shall not be liable for any kind of loss or damage to the Consignment caused due to improper or defective packaging and in such cases insurance claims shall also not be acceptable by TBH.
  2. 6.2. In case of any dispute regarding the Delivery of the Consignment, the Consignee shall put remarks on the Proof of Delivery (POD) and inform TBH. In the event no remarks are provided on the POD no claims shall be raised by Consignor at any later stage for the said Consignment.
  3. 6.3. TBH shall not be liable for any claims raised by the Consignor, in the event - a) the outer packaging done by Consignor is intact and not tampered with at the time of Delivery; b) no complaint has been lodged in writing within 3 (three) days of the date of Delivery or report of loss subject to relevant remarks on the POD c) the claim is raised post-Delivery without recording the grievance clearly on POD. It being clarified that in case there are no remarks mentioned on the POD by the Consignee, the Consignment shall be marked as delivered without loss and/or damage and the Consignor will not be able to claim any damage or loss from TBH.
  4. 6.4. In respect of any loss or damage to the Consignment(s) in transit: (i) in case of hub-drop delivery no insurance is provided by TBH to the Consignor and upon request for the certificate of facts (COF), then TBH shall cooperate in furnishing the COF from Logistics Partner to the Consignor; (ii) in case of door to door delivery-pickup, the insurance shall be provided for all Consignments with maximum value of INR 20,00,000/- (Twenty Lacs) except goods like ceramics, battery and chemicals. Provided, however, that any Consignment of value above INR 20,00,000/- shall not be insured by TBH and the Consignor may take its' own insurance coverage if required. TBH may facilitate the claim process via insurance provider and the insurance provider shall evaluate the value of such claims after taking in to account the extent of damage, salvage value etc. in relation to the Consignment. It being clarified that TBH shall act only a facilitator between You and the insurance provider and shall not be responsible for making payments to You. Notwithstanding anything contained under these Terms TBH's aggregate liability for claims under any Consignment shall be a maximum amount of Rs 5,000 per docket (or order) only. Provided, further that for any kind of claim the documents will be verified with respect to the original invoice document given at the time of pickup with the information furnished on the Platform. You understand that such cases for insurance claims or COF shall only be entertained if relevant remarks are mentioned in POD and claims are raised within 3 (three) days of reported damage or loss or pilferage of goods.
  5. 6.5. The Consignor shall ensure through its Consignee that in case of any damage/pilferage/tamper/pressed/leaked Consignment, the Consignee shall mention such remarks on POD copy at the time of delivery in order to get insurance claim for the Consignment.
  6. 6.6. In relation to claims for damage to Consignment(s), it is hereby clarified that the amount of compensation to be paid by the insurance provider shall depend upon the quantum/percentage of damage, insurance processing charges, as well as salvage value of the Consignment..
  7. 6.7. In case the Consignment is stored in the warehouse longer than 3 (three) days due to reasons such as Consignee not accepting Delivery, Consignee address and/or contact information being incorrect, Consignee's address is permanently closed then demurrage charges not exceeding Rs 1/kg/day (Charged weight) shall apply and such charges shall be borne by the Consignor and paid to TBH upon raising demand without any demur.
  8. 6.8. TBH shall not be responsible or liable in any manner to the Consignor for any losses, damage, injuries, or expenses incurred by the Consignor as a result of any action taken by TBH where the Consignor has consented for the same.
  9. 6.9. TBH shall be, in no manner liable to remit the Cash-on-Delivery (COD) that is to be received as payment by the Consignor in case of forcible snatching of the delivery package by the Consignee. Such incidents/cases shall be the sole responsibility of the Consignor and the Consignor is liable to initiate actions to resolve such incidents, if any, on its own, including but not limited to legal processes. The Consignor undertakes to resolve the disputes raised, if any, by the Consignee within a period of 24 hours from the raising of such dispute(s). Failure to do so shall authorise TBH to hold the COD remittance, till the time such dispute(s) is rectified by the Consignor.
  10. 6.10. TBH shall not be liable for any delays, defaults or damages caused by any unforeseeable event not within the reasonable control of TBH including but not limited to government restrictions, lockdowns, fire, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, strikes, lockouts, riots, civil disturbances, wars, civil commotions, acts of God, acts of terrorism, court orders, and/or any other related force majeure event.


  1. 7.1. In case the order is cancelled either by TBH or You, due to any reasons whatsoever, either before the pick-up process is initiated by TBH or before the Consignment is dropped at Hub Location by the Consignor, TBH shall refund the payment in full made in respect of such Consignment within 7 (seven) days from the date of such cancellation.
  2. 7.2. In the event that order is cancelled by the Consignor after the pick-up process is initiated or when the Consignment is at source Hub Location, applicable charges in respect of such initiation of the process, TBH's charges and costs for reverse logistics shall be adjusted against the payment made (if any) and the remaining amount shall be refunded to the Consignor. In case of FOD (freight on delivery) orders, the Consignor shall be required to pay the applicable charges to TBH, post which the Consignment shall be returned to Consignor. In case the Consignor refuses to pay the amount, TBH reserves the right to withhold or auction off or dispose off the Consignment in any such manner that it may deem fit after 15 (fifteen) days from the date of such cancellation.
  3. 7.3. In case order is cancelled by the Consignor after the Consignment is in transit between the source and the destination location, the Consignor shall bear both the forward and the reverse freight charge, TBH's charges and costs for reverse logistics. In case the Consignor refuses to pay the amount in lieu of such freight charges, TBH reserves the right to withhold or auction off or dispose off the Consignment in any such manner that it may deem fit after 15 (fifteen) days from the date of such cancellation.
  4. 7.4. In case of order cancellation by any party, the Consignor shall be obliged to return the docket copy (or consignment note) to TBH, failing which TBH reserves the right to hold the custody of the Consignment.
  5. 7.5. In case of order cancellation by TBH after pick-up of the Consignment, TBH may recommend any other logistics partner to fulfil the requirement of the Consignor and if the same is rejected by the Consignor, the Consignor shall be entitled to a full refund.


  1. 8.1. The Platform may contain links to third party websites. We have no control over the content, offers and advertisements broadcasted on such websites. TBH allows users to access content, products as well as services linked to such third-party websites using hyperlinks. Such hyperlinks will re-direct the user(s) to the third-party websites. You should read the terms and conditions of these websites as well as their privacy policies before indulging in the content offered by such websites. Neither TBH, its affiliates, nor its officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to, use of, or reliance upon any third-party website linked to Platform. TBH is not responsible for the content of any third-party websites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such websites. If you decide to access links to any third-party websites, you are doing so entirely at your own risk and expense.


  1. 9.1. Indemnity
    1. 9.1.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Tata nexarc, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, licensors, agents, and representatives from and against any and all third-party claims, losses, liabilities, damages, and/or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising from your access to or use of the Platform, violation of these Terms, or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights of Tata nexarc or any third-party, any prohibited items entering the network of TBH due to your act or omission, any defaults or errors in declarations and documentations provided by you, if any Consignment is seized by government authorities due to incomplete or improper documentation of TBH, if any default by you delays other shipments, or if any loss is caused to any other shipment loaded in the same vehicle due to wrongful declaration of the nature of your Consignment, etc.
    2. 9.1.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us and/or a third party, and you agree to cooperate, at your expense, with our defences of such claims. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action, or proceeding which is subject to this indemnification upon becoming aware of it.
  2. 9.2. Limitation of Liability
    1. 9.2.1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event shall TBH or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents or service providers be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, special, remote or punitive damage, including, but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses arising from, or directly or indirectly related to, the use of, or the inability to use, Platform or the Services, materials and functions related thereto. Notwithstanding anything provided hereof, the aggregate liability of TBH for any such losses under law, contract or otherwise shall be limited to: (a) Rs 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) per docket note provided the same is claimed within 30 (thirty) days of handover of Consignment by the Consignor to the Logistics Partner in case the Consignment is not delivered and in case the Consignment is delivered then within 2 (two) days after delivery subject to a damage remark on POD; and (b) Rs.100/- (Rupees Hundred only), where the value of Consignment is declared by the Consignor as NCV (No Commercial Value).


  1. 10.1. We do not endorse any specific Logistics Partner. TBH is not performing any activity or job or providing service on behalf of the Consignor which is tantamount to the seller or trader or retailer and or stockiest/distributor. The complete activity performed by TBH under this Agreement is based on specific instructions given by the Consignor as part of the scope defined and from time to time.
  2. 10.2. No representation is made that the quality of the Services provided on the Platform will be greater than the quality of services that may be available anywhere else. We implore all the Consignors to make their own independent investigation and evaluation before availing such services.
  3. 10.3. TBH makes no warranty, including implied warranty, and expressly disclaims any obligation which may imply that: (a) the Services provided by TBH is and/ or will be complete, exhaustive, or suitable to your requirements; (b) Platform or the Services will meet your requirements or will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis; and (c) the results that may be obtained from the use of Platform or Services will be reliable.


    1. 11.1.1. For every Consignment, Consignor will be charged based on Charged Weight. Such weight referred to as Charged weight shall be rounded up to the next integer and will be displayed to the Consignor before confirmation of the order.
    2. 11.1.2. Consignor shall provide accurate information about the Actual Weight, dimensions (length, breadth, and height) and unit of dimension to the best of their knowledge. In case the Consignment is packed in anything other than a carton box, Consignor shall provide maximum length, breadth and height including the extension/protrusion along any of the edges. Any discrepancy arising may be adjusted and suitably charged by TBH to paying party
    3. 11.1.3. For the calculation of Volumetric Weight, Actual Weight and dimensions provided by the Consignor shall be considered. Upon any change in either the weight or the dimension of the Consignment from what is provided by Consignor at any point during the entire transit of the Consignment from the source city to the destination city as confirmed by TBH, the charged weight and consequently the total freight will change, and such additional cost/price shall be borne by the paying party. Unless such additional cost/price are paid, TBH reserves the right to 'hold the Consignment' until the payment is made. If payment is not received within 15(fifteen) days, TBH reserves the right to auction the Consignment to recover the costs or to dispose-off the Consignment in such manner as it may deem fit. This is without prejudice to the right of TBH to exercise any other legal remedy. In cases of disputes arising from weight and dimension differences, the decision taken by TBH shall be final and shall be complied with by the paying party under all circumstances.
    4. 11.1.4. The Consignor shall be obligated to pay the outstanding dues estimated by TBH or furnish documentary proof for disputing the calculation of the additional amount charged . In the absence of sufficient documentary evidence (sufficiency of which may be determined as per the sole opinion of TBH), the Consignor's claim shall be invalid and the weight calculation by TBH shall be deemed to be final and binding. Provided further that no dispute may be raised or evidence furnished by the Consignor beyond 72 hours from communication of weight variance calculation by TBH and absence of any dispute or claim along with sufficient document within the prescribed timeline, shall imply deemed acceptance by the Consignor of the calculation done by TBH. TBH shall further be entitled to hold future paid Consignments booked by the defaulting Consignor till the outstanding dues to TBH are cleared by the Consignor and in the event the outstanding dues are not cleared within reasonable time, the order may be cancelled at the discretion of TBH and the sole cost and risk of the Consignor. TBH may deduct any previous outstanding dues from the amounts payable to the Consignor prior to issuing any refund. This is without prejudice to the right of TBH to initiate any legal action as may be deemed fit by TBH for recovering any outstanding dues from the Consignor.
    5. 11.1.5. The Consignor agrees and acknowledges that any delays in pick-up or delivery of Consignment on account of any outstanding dues by the Consignor shall not make TBH liable for any such delays and non-compliance with the delivery times estimated on order placement by the Consignor, this is notwithstanding any delivery timelines originally communicated on the Platform or via any other channel by TBH.
    1. 11.2.1. The Consignor hereby agrees that the applicable shipping rate will be charged as per the current prevailing rate displayed on the Platform during order booking. In case there is any change in the order, additional applicable charges shall be payable. The sums due and payable to TBH may be adjusted by TBH at its sole discretion against any sums owed to the Consignor.
    2. 11.2.2. Goods and Service tax and other taxes are applicable as per taxation law.
    3. 11.2.3. For any claims by the Consignor, like wrong freight being applied, Cash on Delivery missing, pilferage, or in transit damage, the copy of the docket (or consignment note) against which the Logistics Partner has received the Consignment has to be submitted along with the claim request, goods invoice and POD with appropriate remarks in case of pilferage and in-transit damage. In the absence of the docket, the claim and request shall be deemed to be invalid.
    4. 11.2.4. In the case of a “Paid/Pay at source” Consignment the Consignor shall pay the freight and other charges at the time of booking the Consignment and in case of Freight on Delivery (“FOD” or “To-Pay” or “Pay at destination") or Cash on delivery (“COD”) the Consignee shall pay the freight and other charges at the time of Delivery of the Consignment.
    5. 11.2.5. In case of “Paid/Pay at source” Consignment, Consignor shall pay the freight and other charges via online digital payment options provided by TBH to TBH's designated account only. In case of Freight on Delivery (“FOD”) (To Pay) (Pay at destination) or COD Consignment, the Consignee shall pay the freight and other charges or the COD/DOD (Cash on Delivery/Cheque on Delivery/Demand draft on Delivery) charges in full to TBH via the payment modes accepted by TBH, as the case may be.
    6. 11.2.6. In case of “Pay on Credit” - In the event the Consignor has availed credit mechanism for the payment, Consignor may place orders on a rolling basis. For all orders placed between 1-15th of a calendar month, the Consignor shall make the payments towards the same by 22nd day of that calendar months and for all orders placed between 16th to 30th or 31st day of a calendar month, Consignor shall make the payments by the 7th day of the subsequent calendar month, and in all cases payments shall be made within 7 working days failing which TBH may levy penalties including but not limited to penal interest of 24% per annum on outstanding sums applicable from date of default till full payment, blacklisting of customer, exercising lien over Consignment, suspend any ongoing or further orders of the Consignor, adjust the sums payable by consignor against any other payment mechanisms or contract entered into by the Consignor and TBH. This is without prejudice to the right of TBH to use any other legal and contractual remedies as per its sole discretion to recover the dues from the Consignor. Provided, that in all cases, TBH shall have the sole discretion to determine, on a case-by-case basis, the terms of the credit including but not limited to the mode of credit, the eligibility of Consignor to opt for credit, the maximum credit amount which can be extended and any other modification which may be needed in the credit terms. The Consignor agrees and acknowledges that the credit line shall be exclusively subject to the discretion of TBH and Consignor does not hold a deemed right to avail credit. Consignor further undertakes that in the event the credit limit allotted to the Consignor by TBH is exhausted, the Consignor shall make payment earlier than allotted date as and when requested by TBH. The Consignor shall be entitled to raise any dispute on the invoices only within 24 hours of date of invoice, failing which all undisputed invoices shall be deemed to be accepted by the Consignor.
    7. 11.2.7. TBH shall have a right to general lien over all the Consignments for all sums due and payable to TBH hereunder, whether for prior or ongoing shipment(s).
    8. 11.2.8. Terms of Payment for Prepaid Accounts: Consignor shall be responsible to verify the invoices and inform TBH within 5 (five) working days in case of any disputes regarding the contents of the invoice.
    9. 11.2.9. Consignor shall not circumvent any technical measure or bypass the Platform in any manner to directly approach the Logistics Partner or use Platform to request, make or accept service from the Logistics Partner independent of the Platform, to circumvent any fees in any manner or for any other reason.
    10. 11.2.10. TBH reserves the right to de-activate the account of the Consignor at any time without prior notice and without providing reasons on account of breach of any agreed terms. In such cases, the wallet money/balance amount, if any, shall be refunded to the Consignor on their registered accounts only, after deducting the outstanding liabilities prior to the de-activation of the account.
    11. 11.2.11. Consignor shall be bound by the cancellation and refund policies available on the Platform for the Services availed by it via the Platform.


  1. 12.1. In addition to these Terms, you will also ensure that you are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement (including but not limited to Platform Terms).
  2. 12.2. Termination: We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your access to the Site, without notice, for any reason, including but not limited to a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. 12.3. Modifications to Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to modify, alter, or update these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Such modifications will be effective immediately upon being posted on the Site. Your continued use of the Site after such modifications are posted constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of the modified Terms and Conditions.


You may submit any grievance with respect to Platform or the Services, including any complaints or grievances with respect to access or usage of Platform in violation of these Terms by any person, to the grievance officer, appointed under the Platform Terms.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Republic of India. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Bengaluru, Karnataka.


These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern the use and access of logistics services as available on Tata nexarc,, as well as any other mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto (collectively, the “Platform”) or any current or future feature or functionality or offer made available on the Platform, as updated from time to time (“Services”) and constitute an agreement between Tata Business Hub Limited (“TBH”, “we”, “us” or “our”) and any natural or legal person who accesses and/or uses the Services in any manner ( “Consignor”, “you” or “your”).

These terms constitute an electronic record within the meaning of the applicable law. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

By using the Platform and/or availing the Services, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms. Please read these Terms together with the privacy notice and terms and conditions of the Platform and other applicable rules, policies, and terms posted on the Platform, or provided with the Services (“Platform Terms” and collectively with these Terms, “Agreement”), since those terms also govern your use of the Services. Accordingly, the terms applicable on the Platform shall also be deemed to be applicable to the Services. If these Terms are inconsistent with the Platform Terms, these Terms will control to the extent of such inconsistency with respect to the Services.


These terms and conditions are issued by TATA AIG, as the “Insurer” and are binding on the customer availing the add-on insurance while booking logistics services on the Platform operated by Tata Nexarc.

Policy Coverage: Financial loss caused due to an item being lost or damaged during Road transit within India. Coverage starts from point of dispatch and ends at the customer delivery point as per the address on the invoice and provided by the customer during order booking for door pickup and delivery order. In case of non-delivery or RTO, the same is covered until the item arrives back at the dispatch point.

Goods Covered: Upon consignment said to contain consignments of Machinery, Textile, FMCG products, Paints and packed food products, Chemicals, bagged Agricultural product and other general merchandise.

Excluded Cargoes:

  • Any cargo not in fully enclosed trucks/trailers.
  • Dry bulk or Liquid bulk shipments in Tankers.
  • Ceramics, Tiles, marbles and such fragile items.
  • Precious stones, gems or metals, jewellery.
  • Bullion, bank notes/coins and money of every description, Sodexo passes, Vouchers, Gift Certificates., Negotiable Instruments (Bearer Form)
  • Tobacco and alcohol/ bottled spirits.
  • Livestock, bloodstock and living creatures
  • Plants, fruits and vegetables
  • Antiques, Artwork, Fine arts (This exclusion does not apply in respect of any new carpets or tapestries)
  • Firearms, ammunition, military equipment and weapons (including for nonmilitary use)
  • Cigarettes
  • Deeds, securities, treasury notes, tamps, Duty Stamps, Tickets and the like, Designs, patterns, plans, manuscripts and all such documents.
  • Prototypes and one-of-a-kind interests.
  • Cement
  • Charity goods and/or humanitarian aid.
  • Indian Postal Articles
  • Radioactive materials
  • e-commerce movements.
  • Unexplained shortages or shortages out of sound packing are not covered
  • Mysterious disappearances are not covered.
  • The above list is not exhaustive, and a detailed list is available under the policy certificate issued to the customer by the Insurer.

Conveyance modes covered : Road

Basis of valuation for claims:

BRAND NEW ITEMS: Invoice Value, i.e. Replacement Cost + Freight

SECOND HAND / USED ITEMS: Depreciated Market Value + Freight

Locations covered : Within India

Cover Clauses -
All Risk as per ITC 'A' + SRCC - Domestic (Road Transport only

  • Inland Transit (Rail/Road/Air) Clause 'A' - (All Risks) 2010
  • Inland Transit (Rail/Road) Clause 'B' - (Named Perils) 2010
  • Strikes Riots and Civil Commotion Clause (Inland transit (including Air and Courier) not in conjunction with Ocean Going Voyage) 2010
  • Limitation of Liability (Inland Transit)
  • Termination of Transit Clause (Terrorism) JC 2009/056 (01/01/09)
  • Cargo Termination of Storage in Transit Clause (2004) Amended
  • Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Bio-Chemical, Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause CL.370 (10.11.03)
  • Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause CL.380 (10.11.03)
  • Institute Standard Conditions for Cargo Contracts 1/4/82
  • Bound to Declare condition
  • Important Notice condition
  • Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause (JC2010/014): No (re)insurer shall be deemed to provide cover and no (re)insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that (re)insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America.


Warranted road vehicle not to carry load more than registered carrying capacity. This condition will only apply where the assured is privy to such overloading. *Warranted proper loading, lashing and stowage of the cargo on carrying vehicle It is a condition of this insurance that admissible claims in respect of damage to interest insured due to mold, mildew insect/fungus shall be restricted to cost of refurbishment only i.e Cost of Polish to furniture's and laundry cost in respect of garments/curtains and cleaning cost in respect of upholstery.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in these terms below conditions shall be applicable for tailend risks of CIF/CIP Imports: (a) For CIF imports (Tail end transits) all preexisting damages prior to commencement of the transit under these terms are specifically excluded. (b) For imported shipments purchased on CIF/CIP basis, where the risk is originating from any Indian port/ICD/Airport/bonded warehouse, the coverage will be as per Inland Transit Clause A + Strike Riots and Civil Commotion Clause; subject to satisfactory predispatch survey from insurer approved surveyor and all recommendations of such attending surveyor complied prior to commencement of transit. In absence of satisfactory predispatch survey or if recommendation of attending surveyor not complied with, coverage shall be subject to Inland Transit Clause (B) + Strike Riots and Civil Commotion Clause + Nondelivery of insured cargo. Cost of survey on account of the insured.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in these terms below conditions shall be applicable for Used/ Secondhand items: (a) All preexisting losses or damages prior to commencement of transit under these terms are specifically excluded from the scope of cover. (b) Coverage shall be subject to Institute Cargo Clause B + War & Strikes / Inland Transit Clause B + Strike Riots and Civil Commotion Clause + Nondelivery of conveyance + Loss/Damage caused due to accidental fall of insured cargo/unit/package during loading and unloading from carrying conveyance. (c) Basis of Valuation applicable shall be: Depreciated Market Value.

In the event of a claim, Recovery Rights to be protected by the Cargo Owners for all claims exceeding INR 50,000/-

Limit of liability: The insurer's liability towards the customer is limited to “Invoice value+ freight”. Kindly note that this will be limited by the invoice value declared by the customer. The maximum value of a single item under these terms is limited to INR 20,00,000/-. The customer shall ensure to not make a booking of invoice value exceeding INR 20,00,000/-

Payment on Account Condition: It is a condition of these terms that on-account payment shall be payable up to 75% subject to the Surveyors Interim Report and Insurers Claims team approval. Applicable for claims above INR 5,000,000. The processing of claims shall be as per the Insurer's time-line.

Cargo Termination of Storage in Transit Clause (amended) (for warehousing and storage risks insured in the ordinary course of transit.

  1. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Duration Transit Clause under Institute Cargo clauses (A), Institute Cargo Clause (Air) and Inland Transit Clauses attached to these terms , it is agreed that in so far as these terms covers loss of or damage to the subject matter insured whilst being warehoused and / or stored, this cover is conditional upon such warehousing and/ or storage being in the ordinary course of transit and, in any event, SHALL TERMINATE EITHER.

  2. 1.1. As per the transit clauses contained within the terms;

    1.2. On delivery to the Consignee's or other final warehouse or place of storage at the destination named;

    1.3. on delivery to any other warehouse or place of storage, whether prior to or at the destination named herein, which the Assured elect to use either for storage other in the ordinary course of transit or for allocation or distribution;

    1.4 In the respect of marine transits, on the expiry of 60 days (Duration Clause) plus 30 days after completion of discharge over side of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of discharge;

    1.5 In respect of air transits, on the expiry of 30 days (Duration Clause) plus 30 days after unloading the subject matter insured from the aircraft at the final airport of discharge;

    1.6 In respect of inland transits by road only, on expiry of 7 days (Duration Clause) plus 30 days after the date of arrival of the subject matter at the destination town named in the terms.

    1.7 in respect of transits by Rail only or Rail and Road, until expiry of 7 days (Duration Clause) plus 30 days after arrival of the railway wagon at the final destination railway station;

    1.8 In respect of inland transits by air only, on the expiry of 7 days (Duration Clause) plus 30 days after unloading the subject matter insured at the final place of discharge;

    1.9 Until delivery to the consignee at destination by the courier or on expiry of 7 days (Duration Clause) plus 30 days after the date of arrival of the subject matter at the destination town named in the terms Whichever shall first occur.

  3. If these terms or the Clauses referred to therein specifically provide cover for inland or other further transits following on from storage, cover will reattach, and continues during the ordinary course of that transit terminating again in accordance with clause 1 Excluding losses due to fading of colour in respect of garment, curtains, upholstery. Excluding Mold, mildew, fungus, infestation losses unless the loss or damage is caused due to INLAND TRANSIT (RAIL OR ROAD) CLAUSE B (Basic Cover). Excluding Data losses stored on IT equipment's or such other type, being moved. Excluding rust, oxidation and discoloration unless the loss or damage is caused due to INLAND TRANSIT (RAIL OR ROAD) CLAUSE B (Basic Cover). Excluding Chipping, Scratching, Denting, damage to paintwork unless the loss or damage is caused due to INLAND TRANSIT (RAIL OR ROAD) CLAUSE B (Basic Cover).

    Payment on Account Condition: It is condition of these terms that on account payment shall be payable upto 75% subject to Surveyors Interim Report and Insurers Claims team approval. Applicable for claims above INR 5,000,000. Nonstandard claims: Inland transit Claims where nonstandard claims considered shall be settled on 90% basis. Including Waiver of Subrogation between any of the insured parties, first tier suppliers and customers and any Tata group companies. Excluding mechanical, electrical and electronic derangement unless the loss or damage is caused due to INLAND TRANSIT (RAIL OR ROAD) CLAUSE B (Basic Cover). Excluding loss/damage attributable to temperature variation unless the loss or damage is caused due to INLAND TRANSIT (RAIL OR ROAD) CLAUSE B (Basic Cover). Excluding shortage out of seal intact / sound packing

    Claims Preparation Condition: It is hereby understood and agreed that the insurance in under these terms includes cost & expenses necessarily incurred by the insured for the purpose of preparing claim hereunder. AOA: AOY Limit INR 1 Crore, subject to 10% of the assessed loss and confirmation from the TATA AIG claims team


This Insurance is extended to cover, in addition to any other amount recoverable under this Insurance, extra expenses reasonably incurred by the Assured for the removal and disposal of debris of the subject matter insured, or part thereof, by reason of damage thereto caused by an insured risk, but excluding absolutely:

(1) any expenses incurred in consequence of or to prevent or mitigate pollution or contamination, or any threat or liability therefor;

(2) the cost of removal of cargo from any vessel or craft. In no case shall the Insurers be liable under this Clause for more than ten per cent (10%) of the value of the damaged subject matter removed.


In case of loss or damage to any part of a machine or other article, consisting when complete for sale or use of several parts, the Underwriter(s) (if liable therefore under terms of this Insurance) shall only by liable for the proportion of the insured value applicable to the part or parts, lost or damaged or, at the Assureds option, for the cost and expense or replacing, duplicating, assembling and repairing the part or parts lost or damaged (including forwarding charges via vessel, or with approval of the Underwriter(s) via air) and labour and installation charges necessary to restore the damaged machine or article to its condition at time or shipment. Provided always that in no case shall the liability of Underwriters exceed the insured value of the complete machine.


Where any insured item consists of articles in a pair or set, Insurer shall not pay more than the value of any particular part or parts which may be lost without reference to any special value which such article(s) may have as part of such pair or set nor more than a proportionate part of such pair or set


It is understood and agreed that should outer packing be damaged from any peril insured against which renders interest unfit for shipment or distribution, irrespective of final destination shown herein Underwriters to pay the cost of reasonable repacking expenses, provided such damage occurred during the currency of this insurance


In the event of claim for loss or damage to any part or parts of the Insured Interest in consequence of a peril covered by this insurance, the amount recoverable hereunder shall not exceed such proportion of the cost of replacement of the parts lost or damaged as the insured value bears to the value of new machinery, plus additional charges for forwarding and refitting the new parts if incurred. Provided always that in no case shall the liability of Underwriters exceed the insured value of the complete machine.


In cases where Underwriters Surveyor has recommended that package be sorted to ascertain and assess the damage, the whole of the expenses of sorting shall be applied to the damage and shall be charged to the Underwriters and/or Insured in proportion to the number of damaged packages which fall upon them respectively It is a condition of this Insurance that this insurance shall not pay or contribute should their be any other first party Marine Cargo covering the same transit Warranted Recovery Rights against all carriers and bailees should be protected by the Cargo owners, failing which, Underwriters shall be absolved of all liabilities


This exclusion applies to all original risks (including individual declarations made under facilities).

  1. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within these terms , these terms exclude any loss, damage, liability, claim, cost or expense of whatsoever nature, directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, a rising out of, or in connection with a Communicable Disease or the fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of a Communicable Disease regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence thereto.

  2. As used herein, a Communicable Disease means any disease which can be transmitted by means of any substance or agent from any organism to another organism where:
  3. 2.1. the substance or agent includes, but is not limited to, a virus, bacterium, parasite or other organism or any variation thereof, whether deemed living or not; and

    2.2. the method of transmission, whether direct or indirect, includes but is not limited to, airborne transmission, bodily fluid transmission, transmission from or to any surface or object, solid, liquid or gas or between organisms; and

    2.3. the disease, substance or agent can cause or threaten damage to human health or human welfare or can cause or threaten damage to, deterioration of, loss of value of, marketability of or loss of use of property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, losses resulting directly or indirectly from, or caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, arising out of, or in connection with any otherwise covered peril under the policy and not otherwise excluded under these terms shall be covered.

  1. Notwithstanding any other term of these terms save for Clause 2 below, in no case shall these terms cover loss, damage, liability, or expense directly or indirectly caused by, or contributed to, or arising from the use, or operation of an Information Technology Device as a means for inflicting harm.

  2. Where this clause is endorsed on policies covering risks of war, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power, or terrorism or any person acting from a political motive, Clause 1 shall not exclude losses which would otherwise be covered arising from the use of any Information Technology Device in the launch and/or guidance system and/or firing mechanism of any weapon or missile.
  3. Where the use or operation of an Information Technology Device was not used as a means of inflicting harm, any ensuing loss, damage, liability or expense shall be excluded unless a physical peril named in the Information Technology Hazards Clause within JELC CL432 (16/10/2017) was also a significant cause of a loss. In such case these terms shall cover the loss, damage, liability or expense in accordance with but only to the extent provided for in that Clause, whether that Clause forms part of these terms or not.
  4. For the purposes of this clause, an Information Technology Device shall mean any computer system, hardware, software, programme, code, data, process, virus, information repository, microchip, integrated circuit or similar device in or connected with computer equipment or non-computer equipment, whether the property of a direct

Nonstandard claims : Inland transit Claims where nonstandard claims considered shall be settled on 90% basis

Deductible : A compulsory excess as mentioned below will be deducted for each invoice / AWB number

(1) For Claim Amount Upto INR 20,000

  • For Non-Fragile Cargo: INR 1,000 for each claim.
  • For Fragile Cargo: INR 2,500 for each claim.

(2) For Claim Amount More than INR 20,000:

  • For Non-Fragile Cargo: 5% of claim amount subject to a minimum of INR 2,500 for each claim.
  • For Fragile Cargo: 5% of claim amount subject to a minimum of INR 5,000 for each claim

Claim Documentation :

Warranted that Claim will be settled with Cargo Owners or their consignee's only, thus the customer making claim must be the owner or consignee. Any claims under the insurance policy shall be directly settled between the customer and the Insurer. The decision of the Insurer shall be final and binding on the customer for any claims raised by the customer with respect to insurance availed from the Insurer. The below documents will be required from the customer for claim initiation as specified by the Insurer.

  • PAN Card
  • Cancel Cheque
  • Invoice Copy of Goods or Declaration that the goods are not for sale / Zero invoice value (In Case of Household Item)
  • Claim Form (duly filled form to be shared by consignor)
  • Policy Certificate issued by Insurer on consignor name
  • COF - Certificate of facts issued by LSP
  • Proof of Delivery/AWB no. LR No. with relevant remarks and with in 3 days of delivery date
  • Photographs of the damaged consignments
  • Self-survey till INR 50,000/- claim amount. A surveyor shall be appointed for claims more than INR 50,000/- and any other requirement can be checked on case to case basis
  • In case of Lost claims internal Investigation report to be provided by a logistic partner on email, describing the loss of a shipment and it details Copy of Police FIR is required for individual claim more than INR 50,000/-

Disclaimer : Tata Business Hub Limited is only acting as a facilitator between the Insurer and the customer, and shall not in any event be liable for any act or omission of the Insurer or customer or for matters related to the insurance availed by the customer from the Insurer.

Grievance : The Customer shall directly reach out to the Insurer for any query, concern, grievance or customer support in relation to the insurance availed.

Order of Precedence : In case of any conflict between these terms and the Policy Certificate issued by the Insurer, the Policy Certificate shall be binding and deemed valid to the extent of such conflict. Customer is advised to refer to the Policy Certificate issued for confirming the details of the policy availed.


The terms and conditions (“Terms”) governs the use and access of the tender and quotation platform (“Tender & Quotation Platform”) hosted on, as well as any other mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto (collectively, the “Platform”) or any current or future feature or functionality or offer made available on Tender & Quotation Platform, as updated from time to time (“Services”) and constitute an agreement between Tata Business Hub Limited (“TBH”, “we”, “us” or “our”) and any natural or legal person who accesses and/or uses Tender & Quotation Platform or the Services in any manner (“you” or “your”).

These Terms of Use constitute an electronic record within the meaning of the applicable law. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

By using the Tender & Quotation Platform and/or availing the Services, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms. Please read these Terms together with the privacy notice and terms and conditions of the Platform and the other applicable rules, policies, and terms posted on the Platform, available through Tender & Quotation Platform, or provided with the Services (“Platform Terms” and collectively with these Term, “Agreement”), since those terms also govern your use of Tender & Quotation Platform. Accordingly, the terms applicable on the Platform shall also be deemed to be applicable on the Tender & Quotation Platform. If these Terms are inconsistent with the Platform Terms, these Terms will control to the extent of such inconsistency with respect to the Tender & Quotation Platform and/or Service.

  2. 1.1. The Terms set out herein specifically govern your access and use of the Tender & Quotation Platform, which provides a platform for you to inter alia: (a) discover, view, access, publish, and/or participate in tenders published on the Tender & Quotation Platform along with connecting to the respective owner/publisher of such tender(s) (“Tender Publisher”); and (b) discover, view, access, and/or participate in the tenders published on third party websites by clicking on the hyperlink of such third party websites provided at Tender & Quotation Platform (collectively known as “Tender(s)”).

    For the purposes of publishing a Tender on the Tender & Quotation Platform in terms of Clause 1.1(a) above, you will be required to provide specific details of the Tender, in the form and manner provided at Tender & Quotation Platform.

    1.2. You agree and acknowledge that we are only a facilitator and are not and cannot be a party to or control in any manner any transactions on Tender & Quotation Platform. Accordingly, any Tender or your participation therein shall be a strictly bipartite contract between you and the Tender Publisher.

    1.3 Please note that we may from time to time change the Terms that govern your use of the Tender & Quotation Platform. Every time you wish to use our Services, please check these Terms to ensure you understand the terms and conditions that apply at that time. Further, please note that TBH reserves its right to either change the format and the content of the Tender &Quotation Platform and/or suspend the operation of the Tender & Quotation Platform for support or maintenance work, in order to update the content or for any other reason, at any time.

  4. Only persons who can enter into legally binding contracts as per Indian Contract Act, 1872, i.e., persons who are 18 years of age or older, are of sound mind, and are not disqualified from entering into contracts by any law, can use and access the Tender & Quotation Platform. In case you are below 18 years of age, you may access and use the Tender & Quotation Platform only if enabled by a parent or legal guardian. Further, if you are availing Services on behalf of a company or organisation, you represent that you have authority to act on behalf of that entity, and that such entity accepts this Agreement.

  6. You agree and acknowledge that only registered users of the Platform would be entitled to discover, view, access, publish, and/or participate in Tenders and/or avail the Services on the Tender & Quotation Platform.

  8. The Tender & Quotation Platform contains links to third party websites. We have no control over the content, offers and advertisements broadcasted on such websites. TBH allows users to access content, product as well as services linked to such third-party websites using hyperlink. Such hyperlink will re-direct the user(s) to the third-party site. You should read the terms and conditions on these sites as well as their privacy policies before indulging in the content offered by such websites. Neither TBH, its affiliates, nor its officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to, use of, or reliance upon any third-party website linked to Tender & Quotation Platform. TBH is not responsible for the content of any third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites. If you decide to access links of any third-party platforms, you are doing so entirely at your own risk and expense.

  10. 5.1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless TBH, its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, consultants, licensors, agents, and representatives from and against any and all third- party claims, losses, liabilities, damages, and/or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising from your access to or use of the Tender & Quotation Platform, violation of these Terms, or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights of TBH or any third-party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us, and you agree to cooperate, at your expense, with our defines of such claims. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action, or proceeding which is subject to this indemnification upon becoming aware of it

    5.2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event shall TBH or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents or content or service providers be liable to you for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, special, remote or punitive damage, including, but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses arising from, or directly or indirectly related to, the use of, or the inability to use, Tender & Quotation Platform or the content, materials and functions related thereto.

    5.3. TBH is neither liable nor responsible for any actions or inactions of the person/ entity which published the Tender or bid for the Tender, or any breach of conditions, representations or warranties by them. TBH is not obligated to mediate or resolve any dispute or disagreement between the users who avail Services on the Tender & Quotation Platform.

  12. 6.1 In addition to these Terms, you will also ensure that you are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement (including but not limited to Platform Terms).

    6.2 Termination: We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your access to the Site, without notice, for any reason, including but not limited to a breach of these Terms and Conditions.

    6.3 Modifications to Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to modify, alter, or update these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Such modifications will be effective immediately upon being posted on the Site. Your continued use of the Site after such modifications are posted constitutes your acknowledgment and acceptance of the modified Terms and Conditions.

  14. You may submit any grievance with respect to Platform or the Services, including any complaints or grievances with respect to access or usage of Platform in violation of these Terms by any person, to the grievance officer, appointed under the Platform Terms.

  16. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Republic of India. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Bengaluru, Karnataka.


  2. 1.1. This Website “” (the “Website” ) is owned and operated by Tata Business Hub Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of India, having its registered office address at Army & Navy Building, 148 MG Road, Opposite Kala Ghoda Fort, Mumbai 400001 (hereinafter referred as “We” , “Us” or “TBH” ). Service is provided by TBH through the Website, which Services are in relation to invoice discounting and related procedures and matters and more particularly defined hereinafter.

    1.2. The following terms and conditions ( “Terms of Use” ) regulate the access to and use of the Website and the Services. Please review the terms and conditions carefully before registering on the Website and availing the Services offered by TBH through the Website. By using the Website including but not limited to accessing or visiting or browsing the Website, you ( “You” ) indicate your acceptance to these Terms of Use and agree to abide by them.

    1.3. Definitions. Definitions:
    “Anchor” means an entity that is registered with TBH through an offline onboarding process, which supplies certain Products and/or services through its authorized channels including Dealers.
    “Buyer” means an entity that is registered with TBH for purposes of pre-payment of non-disputed invoices received from the Sellers at a discount to be determined by a system of electronic early-payment event comprising of offers voluntary accepted by Sellers under the Early-Pay Services provided by TBH.
    “Dealer” shall mean the body corporate having a business arrangement with the Anchor for availing certain products or services and acting as its channel partner or authorized sales partner, and also covers distributors of the Anchor.
    “Early Pay Service” means an online and/or offline electronic platform provided by TBH for pre-payment by the Buyer registered with TBH of non-disputed invoices raised by the Seller, at a discount determined by a system of an electronic early-payment event comprising of voluntary offers accepted by Sellers of such non-disputed invoices. For avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that the determination of invoices to be put up for the early-payment event and the early-payment event itself is conducted by a software and an electronic program developed by TBH.
    “Lender” means a scheduled commercial bank, or a non-banking financial corporation registered with the Reserve Bank of India and acting as the financing institution providing (i) supply chain financing credit facilities to the Dealers of Anchors; or (ii) invoice discounting facility to the Sellers of Anchors.
    “Seller” shall mean the body corporate supplying certain products or services to the Anchor.
    “Service” shall collectively mean Early Pay Service and Channel Finance Service
    “Channel Finance Service” means an online and/or offline electronic platform provided by TBH to the Dealers, registered with TBH for ensuring timely payment to the Anchor for products and services supplied to the Dealer.

  4. 2.1. You acknowledge and agree that these Terms of Use constitute a contract between You and TBH, even though it is electronic and is not physically signed ( “Agreement” ). You further acknowledge that this Agreement shall govern the use of the Service, except for written addendums signed by the Parties that specifically modify these Terms of Use or any modifications as communicated by TBH to You, these Terms of Use are to be read in harmony with the terms of any other agreement already executed between the parties hereto.

    2.2. You represent and warrant that:-
    a) You are the authorised representative of Dealer/Seller;
    b) You are authorised by the Dealer/Seller to enter into this Agreement; and
    c) You have full authority to legally bind the Dealer/Seller to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Service.
    d) all information or other materials submitted by You to TBH :
        (i) complies with this Agreement and all applicable laws of India
        (ii) do not infringe any third party Intellectual Property Rights or trade secret; or
        (iii) do not affect any confidentiality obligations.

    2.3. To use the Website or the Service You need to register on the Website by providing the information of the Dealer/Seller and by accepting these Terms of Use by ticking the "I agree" box at the end of these Terms of Use. On acceptance of these Terms of Use, You on behalf of the Dealer/Seller hereby agree to enter into a legally binding agreement with TBH.

    2.4. You confirm that You have provided the correct and up to date information while registering/ editing details on the Website. You agree and confirm to verify and keep updated the information relating to Dealer/Seller and dealings and use of the Services, whether furnished by You or the Anchor/Buyer. Subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms of Use, You agree to access and use the Service only for your business purposes as contemplated by these Terms of Use.

  6. 3.1. In case of Early Pay Service: -

    1. 3.1.1 Once the Seller registers with TBH after accepting these terms and conditions, TBH will create a unique user name and password for the Seller which shall authorize the Seller or its authorized persons access to the Early Pay Services. TBH may at any time to enhance security provide any additional codes or logins to the Sellers to access the Early Pay Services (user names, passwords and codes are collectively referred to as “Login Ids” ). With respect to Login Ids:
      a) It is the responsibility of the Seller to keep these Login Ids confidential.
      b) Seller shall be solely responsible for any activity which takes places under its Login Ids, the Seller shall immediately notify TBH in case of any unauthorized use of its Login Ids and the TBH shall take steps as it deems appropriate to limit the effects of such unauthorized breach and the Seller shall take all steps as directed by TBH in such situation.
      c) Seller shall not sell, trade or otherwise transfer its Login Ids or account to another party.
      d) It is clarified that TBH shall not be responsible for any unauthorized access, use or activity of the Seller’s Login ID.
    2. 3.1.2 Once the Seller logs in with the Login Ids, the Early Pay Service shall display eligible undisputed invoices raised by the Seller which are pending with the Buyer. The invoices are selected and displayed by the Early Pay Service for pre- payment through software developed by TBH based on the available cash allocated by the Buyer or his sources for pre-payment of pending undisputed invoices. If applicable, the Buyer at its discretion could agree to pre-pay one or more pending invoices of the Seller as displayed on the Early Pay Service in exchange for a discount on the invoice accepted by the Seller on a given day. The Buyer or TBH at its discretion could remove any invoices of the Seller selected by the Early Pay Service from the early-payment event or the Buyer may refuse to accept the discount or other terms accepted by the Seller at its sole discretion. Alternately, the Buyer or TBH will also display discounting offers to sellers which the Seller may accept or reject at their discretion.
    3. 3.1.3 In exchange for the discount on the invoice the Buyer agrees to make pre-payment of the balance amount (invoice amount less discount) of the invoice to the Seller and the Seller agrees to accept the said balance amount as full and final settlement of the said invoice. The Seller waives the discounted amount on the invoice and Buyer shall pay the balance amount as full and final settlement of the said invoice. The Seller acknowledges that it may have to submit certain documents to the Buyer or to TBH for tax and other compliances and unless these documents are submitted within the specified time the pre-payment cannot be made.
    4. 3.1.4 If applicable, it is the sole discretion of the Buyer to accept the discount offered by the Seller and similarly it is the sole discretion of the Seller to offer a discount and the quantum of discount on the invoices put up by the Early Pay Service for pre-payment on a given day and it is the sole discretion of the Seller to accept or reject discounting offers made by the Buyer or TBH.
    5. 3.1.5 If applicable, the Seller shall not be allowed to withdraw any invoice and the discount offered on the same once the same has been accepted by the Buyer, subject to payment by the Buyer of the said invoice amount. The Buyer shall be required to complete the payment of the discounted invoice agreed and accepted by it, within a period of two(2) banking days of acceptance.

    3.2. In case of Channel Finance Service: -

    1. 3.2.1Once the Dealer registers with TBH after accepting these terms and conditions, TBH will create a unique username and password for the Dealer which shall authorize the Dealer, or its authorized persons access to the Channel Finance Services. TBH may at any time to enhance security provide any additional codes or logins to the Dealers to access the Channel Finance Services (usernames, passwords and codes are collectively referred to as “Login Ids” ). With respect to Login Ids:
            a) It is the responsibility of the Dealer to keep these Login Ids confidential.
            b) Dealer shall be solely responsible for any activity which takes places under its Login Ids, the Dealer shall immediately notify TBH in case of any unauthorized use of its Login Ids and the TBH shall take steps as it deems appropriate to limit the effects of such unauthorized breach and the Dealer shall take all steps as directed by TBH in such situation.
            c) Dealer shall not sell, trade or otherwise transfer its Login Ids or account to another party.
            d) It is clarified that TBH shall not be responsible for any unauthorized access, use or activity of the Dealer’s Login ID.
    2. 3.2.2 Once the Dealer logs in with the Login Ids, the Channel Finance Service shall display the limit from the Lender which is approved for a particular Anchor. Dealer may reach to TBH or the Lender to make modifications to the assigned limit or to get a revised limit based on the assessment of the Lender.
    3. 3.2.3 Dealer shall be able to make the eligible transactions by sharing the invoice details of a particular Anchor. Dealer shall be solely responsible for ensuring the authenticity of the invoice details which are manually entered into the platform or the Website.
    4. 3.2.4 Dealer will be able to view the status of disbursements made by the Lender for eligible invoices on the Website. Dealer agrees and acknowledges that TBH shall not be liable for any delayed disbursements due to Lender and in no event shall TBH be liable for such interruption or delays.
    5. 3.2.5 Upon due date, Dealer will need to make the repayment of the amounts availed through the Channel Finance Service to the Lender, as per the credit arrangement between the Dealer and the Lender. After the due date, Dealer will in addition to the amounts availed through the Channel Finance be also liable to pay the penalty amount, as per the credit arrangement between the Dealer and the Lender. TBH will have no role in the said arrangement.

  7. PAYING AGENT ARRANGEMENT (applicable in Early Pay Service)
  8. 4.1. A Buyer, from time to time, may choose to use a paying agent arrangement or similar service arrangements ( “Paying Agent Arrangements” ) with a Lender. To avail such services, Seller provides to Buyer their consent to fulfill the formalities as required by Lender on the Seller’s behalf and forward the details and documents to the Lender from time to time for discounting its trade receivables and crediting net proceeds (net of offered discount by the Seller) to its bank account. In exchange of the discount accepted by Seller in the Service, Lender, acting on behalf of the Buyer, can pre-pay the net invoice amount to the Seller after deducting the said discount. Seller agrees to accept this payment from the Lender through the Paying Agent Arrangement as full and final settlement of the said invoice and waives the discount amount on the invoice as if the payment were made by Buyer.

  10. 5.1. The Service is intended to enable and facilitate transparent transactions between the Dealer and Anchor, Seller and Buyer as principals and TBH does not act for or represent in any manner whatsoever either the Anchor or the Buyer or the Dealer or the Seller, as the case maybe. TBH through the Website and the Services merely provides a platform to facilitate such transaction.

    5.2. TBH will have the right to monitor the implementation of the Services, and shall be entitled to discontinue and disable the use of the Services for any party in the event it finds any improper, inappropriate use of the Services by such party.

    5.3. TBH is not a party to, third party beneficiary of, or a guarantor of performance with respect to any transaction, agreement or arrangement concluded between the Dealer and any Anchor using the Channel Finance Service or Seller and any Buyer using the Early Pay Service.

    5.4. TBH is not liable to pay or ensure payment of any sums to the Seller from the Buyer as agreed between the Buyer and the Seller under the Early Pay Service.

    5.5. TBH is not liable to pay or ensure payment of any sums to the Anchor from the Dealer as agreed between the Anchor and the Dealer under the Channel Finance Service.

    5.6. In case of Early Pay Service: -

    1. 5.6.1TBH is not responsible for contractual and commercial terms and conditions between the Buyer and the Seller and of compliance of such terms under which the services or goods were supplied by the Seller to the Buyer. Under no circumstances shall TBH in any manner obtain an interest in, or otherwise be deemed to be within the chain of title of, any information, goods, and/or related services accessed of the Seller by the Buyer.
    2. 5.6.2 The Seller shall raise any issues regarding the arrangement or understanding it has reached with the Buyer using the Service solely with the relevant Buyer and the TBH shall not be responsible or liable in any manner for any acts or omissions by the Buyers or Sellers.
    3. 5.6.3 The Seller and Buyer shall put up, share and furnish invoices, information, consents on the Service out of their own free consent, discretion and responsibility and TBH shall not be responsible for any dealings and transactions undertaken by and between the Seller and Buyer. The Seller and Buyer are made aware that the information put up by them on the platform/website to avail the Services shall be stored by TBH in its servers and the same shall be used for the purposes of executing the Services. Such information shall be shared with third party service providers as shall be necessary for the purposes of implementing the Services.
    4. 5.6.4 The Seller shall be notified of its invoices put up for pre-payment by the Service and the Seller shall have to participate in an online early-payment event to offer with its discount offer for the pre-payment of the pending invoices displayed by the Service. The time when the offer with the discount offer could be placed on the Website would be communicated to the Seller. The participation in the online early-payment event is solely at the discretion of the Seller. If the Seller wishes to participate in the online early-payment event it shall:
            a) For each online early-payment event, Seller may be presented with the terms and conditions imposed by the Buyer. Seller will only be allowed to participate if it accepts the terms set by the Buyer.
            b) Buyer has final responsibility for all decisions regarding the operation of the online early-payment events. Buyer and/or TBH may suspend or cancel any scheduled online event at any time and without prior notification. If the Seller submits a offer in connection with an online event, Seller represents that all offers it submits are legally valid price quotations and firm offers to contract without qualification, except to the extent the Buyer allows a non-binding offer.
            c) Online event participants may not engage in unethical behavior during an online event, and the Seller is expected to notify TBH if it witnesses practices that are inconsistent with the fair operation of the online events or inconsistent with these terms and conditions.
            d) If Seller experiences any difficulty or error during an online event, it must notify TBH immediately, or else it waives any objection or claim relating to such difficulty or error.

    5.7. In case of Early Pay Service: -

    1. 5.7.1TBH is not responsible for contractual and commercial terms and conditions between the Anchor and the Dealer and of compliance of such terms under which the services or goods were supplied by the Anchor to the Dealer. Under no circumstances shall TBH in any manner obtain an interest in, or otherwise be deemed to be within the chain of title of, any information, goods, and/or related services or transaction between the Dealer and the Anchor.
    2. 5.7.2 The Dealer shall raise any issues regarding the arrangement or understanding it has reached with the Anchor using the Service solely with the relevant Anchor and TBH shall not be responsible or liable in any manner for any acts or omissions by the Anchors or Dealers.
    3. 5.7.3 The Dealer and/or Anchor shall put up, share and furnish invoices, information, consents on the Service of their own free will, consent and discretion. TBH shall not be responsible for any dealings and transactions undertaken by and between the Dealer and Anchor. The Dealer and Anchor are made aware that the information put up by them on the platform/Website to avail the Services shall be stored by TBH in its servers and the same shall be used for the purposes of executing the Services. Such information shall be shared with third party service providers as shall be necessary for the purposes of implementing the Services.

  12. 6.1. TBH hereby grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to permit authorized users to access and use the Service, subject to the following restrictions:

    6.2. You agree not to:
          (i) license, sublicense, sell, resell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, time share or otherwise commercially exploit or make the Service available to any third party, other than as expressly permitted by these Terms;
          (ii) use the Service to process data on behalf of any third party,
          (iii) modify, adapt or hack the Service to falsely imply any sponsorship or association with TBH, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service or its related systems or networks;
          (iv) use the Service in any unlawful manner, including but not limited to violation of any persons privacy rights, infringing any person’s intellectual property rights, or sending spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages in violation of applicable law,
          (v) use the Service in any manner that interferes with or disrupts the integrity or performance of the Service and its components;
          (vi) attempt to decipher, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise discover the source code of any software which is part of the Service;
          (vii) use the Service to knowingly post, upload, link to, send or store any content that is unlawful, racist, hateful, obscene, discriminatory, or contains any viruses, malware, Trojan horses, time bombs, or any other similar harmful software;
          (viii) attempt to use any method to gain unauthorized access to any paid features of the Website;
          (ix) unless otherwise explicitly agreed to in writing by TBH, use the Service or the Website or any content obtained from it to develop, as a component of, any information, storage and retrieval system, database, information base, or similar resource (in any media now existing or hereafter developed), that is offered for commercial distribution of any kind, including through sale, license, lease, rental, subscription, or any other commercial distribution mechanism;
          (x) use automated scripts to collect information from or otherwise interact with the Website or the Service;
          (xi) deep-link to the Website for any purpose , unless expressly authorized in writing by TBH; or try to use, or use the Service in violation of these Terms.

  14. You acknowledge that there may be interruptions in Service, Website or online events that are beyond the control of TBH. While TBH uses reasonable efforts to keep the Website and the Service accessible, the Website or the Service may be unavailable from time to time for any reason including, without limitation, routine maintenance. You understand and acknowledge that due to circumstances both within and outside of TBH’s control, Website or the Services access may be interrupted, suspended or terminated. You further understand that there may be interruptions in the access to the Website or the Services due to local internet connectivity at Your end. TBH shall not be liable in any manner for any such disruptions on the Website or the Services.

  16. You understand and agree that TBH may modify the Service and such modifications may be in the manner that these may create differences in how You access the Service. You further understand and agree that, upon reasonable advance written notice to You, TBH reserves the right to replace Service or any aspect thereof with such services offering the same or more functionality than the earlier version.

  18. The access to Services and the Website is free for the Dealer and the Seller at this time. However, TBH reserves the right to charge a fee on complete or partial access to Services or Website, as it may deem fit, in future.

  20. 10.1. TBH owns and controls all Intellectual Property Rights in the Service or any element thereof whether registered or unregistered including with respect to the software and code used for providing Service. All rights, title and interest in and to the Service and its components, including all related Intellectual Property Rights, will remain with and belong exclusively to TBH and its third-party licensors. The rights granted to You to use the Service under these Terms do not convey any additional rights in the Service, or in any Intellectual Property Rights associated therewith.

    10.2. Intellectual Property Rights shall mean any copyrights, patents, inventions, trademarks, domain names, trade secrets, know-how, source codes and any other intellectual property and/or any other proprietary rights under the applicable laws in India.

    10.3. You own and shall be responsible for the information that You provides to TBH during account registration or while availing or using the Service including any commercial information with respect to a specific transaction. With respect to this information You grant TBH a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free right to use this information solely for the purposes of providing Service and or to modify and improve the Service. This information shall not be used for any other purpose. If all or part of any such information becomes the subject of an actual or threatened lawsuit or if TBH believes such Content may violate a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights or applicable law, TBH will immediately be entitled to remove such information or materials without incurring any liability to You or any third party.TBH shall have a royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, irrevocable and perpetual license to incorporate into the Service or otherwise use any suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations or other feedback it receives from You. TBH and TBH’s other product and service names, and logos used or displayed on the Service or on the Website are registered or unregistered trademarks of TBH (collectively, “Marks” ), and You may only use such Marks to identify itself as a customer and user of the Service; provided You do not attempt, now or in the future, to claim any rights in the Marks, degrade the distinctiveness of the Marks, or use the Marks to disparage or misrepresent TBH, its services or products.

    10.4. TBH shall have a royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, irrevocable and perpetual license to incorporate into the Service or otherwise use any suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations or other feedback it receives from You. TBH and TBH’s other product and service names, and logos used or displayed on the Service or on the Website are registered or unregistered trademarks of TBH (collectively, “Marks” ), and You may only use such Marks to identify itself as a customer and user of the Service; provided You do not attempt, now or in the future, to claim any rights in the Marks, degrade the distinctiveness of the Marks, or use the Marks to disparage or misrepresent TBH, its services or products.

    10.5. You hereby grant a limited, non-transferable license to TBH for TBH to use the name, logos and trademarks to identify You as a user of the Website and the Services for TBH’s marketing and public relations purposes, including marketing materials, advertisements, customer lists, press releases, presentations, and publications during the term of this Agreement.

  22. 11.1. The Term of this Agreement is effective from the date when You accept these Terms of Use.

    11.2. Duration of Agreement The Term subsists till TBH provides the Service or either Party terminates this Agreement.

    11.3. Termination provisions You may terminate this Agreement by giving a prior 14 days written notice. TBH may terminate the Agreement by disabling access and removing Seller’s invoices from the system or removing Dealer’s details from the system for breach of any terms of this Agreement or for any reasonable reason at TBH’s sole discretion. TBH will be entitled to disable the Services of the Dealer or Seller with immediate effect if TBH finds in its discretion that You have committed an act or omission which amounts to a breach of this Agreement, any provisions of applicable laws or fair practices of the industry.

    11.4. Effects of termination Effects of termination: TBH shall disable access to You and You shall not be able to access the Service. All terms and obligations of either Party which survive the termination by their very nature including but not limited to obligations related to Intellectual Property and Ownership, Indemnity, Limitation of Liability, Governing law and Jurisdiction, Warranty and Disclaimer shall survive the termination.

  24. 12.1. The Service, including the website and content, and all server and network components are provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis, without any warranties of any kind to the fullest extent permitted by law, and TBH expressly disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, title, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

    12.2. TBH does not and cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from use of the Service. The entire risk with respect to the quality and performance of Service or with respect to any information transmitted, delivered or received by use of the Service rests solely with the Seller and Buyer in case of Early Pay Service and upon the Anchor and Dealer in case of Channel Finance Service; TBH does not make any claim with respect to the same.

    12.3. TBH does not represent or warrant that the Service, content or materials from or any information or content related to the Service are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free or that the Website or the Service, servers, or any platform applications are free of viruses or other harmful components. Therefore, You should exercise caution in the use and downloading of any such software, content or materials and use industry-recognized software to detect and disinfect viruses. All responsibility or liability for any damages caused by viruses contained within the electronic file containing a form or document is disclaimed. Without limiting the foregoing, You understand and agree that Your download or otherwise obtaining content, material, data or software (including any mobile client) from or through the Website, the software, or any platform applications shall be at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for Your use thereof and for any damages to your mobile device or computer system, loss of data or other harm of any kind that may result.

    12.4. You acknowledge that TBH does not warrant that information or advice obtained by You from TBH or through the Service shall create any warranty not expressly stated in these terms. TBH disclaims all liability for damages caused by any interruption or errors in the functioning of the Service or any of its components including the Website or the software, except as otherwise expressly set forth herein. Furthermore, TBH disclaims all liability for any malfunctioning, impossibility of access, or poor use conditions of the Service due to inappropriate equipment, disturbances related to internet service providers, to the saturation of the internet network, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, user communications, problems related to the service or its use, loss of personal content on the website, lost or undeliverable email, and for any other reason. Under no circumstances will TBH be responsible for any loss or damage, including, but not limited to personal injury or death, resulting from use of the Website or the Service, or any interactions between users of the Website or the Service, whether online or offline.

    12.5. TBH provides the platform for the Service. TBH does not control the information exchange between Anchors and Dealers or Buyers and Sellers, as the case maybe and TBH does not guarantee or confirm the genuineness of such information. TBH is not responsible for the information provided by the Anchors and Dealers or Sellers and Buyer to each other or to TBH. Furthermore, TBH is not responsible for any false or untrue information provided or exchanged between the Anchors and Dealers or Buyers and Sellers using the Service. Further, TBH is not responsible or liable in any manner for any third party applications, software, viruses, etc. that are uploaded or posted on the Website or the Service or any component of the Service, caused by users of the Website, or that are related to the use of the Service by third parties, or caused by any third parties’ use of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Website or the Service.


  28. 14.1. TBH understands the sensitive nature of the Data and other information You may provide TBH while using the Services and the Website, and TBH therefore agrees to use reasonable efforts to maintain, safeguard, and not use or disclose Your Data except as needed to facilitate Your use of the Services or otherwise to perform Services under this Agreement, which may entail sharing of the Data with third party service providers engaged by either TBH or the Anchor/ Buyer. The term "Data" shall mean registration information, transaction information, banking details, company details and personal information regarding any authorized person of Dealer/Seller and other data that You may provide to TBH while using the Services.

    14.2. In providing Services to You, TBH shall maintain appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of Your Data.

    14.3. TBH can access Your account information in order to respond to any service requests and/or as necessary, in TBH’s sole discretion, to provide You with the Services. TBH will not disclose such Data, except if compelled by law, permitted by You, or pursuant to the terms of the TBH Privacy Policy.

    14.4. The Privacy Policy governs our treatment of any information, including personally identifiable information, submitted to us. Please note that certain information, statements, data, and content which You may submit to or through the Service may reveal Your agents personally identifiable information or commercially sensitive confidential information. You acknowledge that submission of any such information, statements, data, and content to TBH pursuant to this Agreement is voluntary and that TBH shall only use such information for providing Services only. The Privacy Policy is incorporated into this Agreement by reference.

    14.5. Information (but not Your Data) about the processing capabilities of the Website and the Services, the technology or interface features of the Services, and the notices and updates sent by TBH to You are proprietary and confidential information of TBH, and You hereby agree not to share such information with third parties or use such information except to use the Services.

  30. 15.1. You agree to indemnify and hold TBH and its affiliates harmless, from all loss and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, which are based on or arise from Your act, omission or violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise is related to the Your use of the Services.

  32. 16.1. TBH may change, amend or modify any of these terms or conditions, at any time and in TBH's sole discretion. Changes will be notified by posting a change notice on the Website that is visible when users log-on for the first time after a change has been made and/or through e-mail communications to the Dealer/Seller. All such modifications shall have effect Fifteen (15) days after notice, unless indicated otherwise. If you do not consent to any changes in these terms and conditions you must terminate this Agreement pursuant in accordance with this Agreement. Your continued use of the Website and Services will be subject to the then current Terms of Use as displayed on the Website.

  34. 17.1. In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such provision (or part thereof) shall be enforced to the extent possible consistent with the stated intention of the parties, or if incapable of such enforcement shall be deemed to be deleted from these terms and conditions, while the remainder of this these terms and conditions shall continue in full force and remain in effect.

  36. 18.1. These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or the use of the Services shall be settled exclusively by the courts of Bangalore, India.

  38. 19.1. Neither party will be liable for failure or delay in performing any of its obligations if such failure or delay is due to circumstances beyond the party’s reasonable control, including, without limitation, accident, war, acts of God or any governmental body, failure of software, hardware or equipment of third parties. This section does not apply to Dealer’s obligations to make any payments as and when due to Anchor.

  40. Any Notice to TBH under this Agreement may be delivered to following address:
    Legal Counsel